Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dieting Tips and etc from Mary Shomon

I thought Mary's recent teleconference call was worthy of referencing. She's now a T-Tapper too~! I prefer T-Tapp's alfalfa for the all-in-one pill worthy for diruetics, fiber, hormone balance for hot flashes and anti-cancer properties vs. a host of thing Mary mentioned. You just have to be sure to take the alfalfa 4-6 hours after thyroid because the iron content in it will interfere with thyroid med absorbtion.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

B-12 deficiency

I had a regular 3-month update with my thyroid doctor. I'm feeling so much better than a year ago, yet still not perfect. I can't get away with cheating on eating dairy, which I have gotten used to not eating, but sometimes....a party, event, or ya, I just gotta, lol. She told me to triple my digestive enzymes when I cheat to help my stomach to break down the cheese before it hits my intestines.

But, I mentioned how much my joints hurt, which was new in the last week or so in my hips and feet. I thought my shoulder hurt the last 6 weeks from injury. My doctor diagnosed me with bursitis due to vitamin b-12 deficiency. I have been extremely busy the last month so it makes sense that the stress could have depleted my b-12 reserves beyond what I could replenish with my usual sublingual. My doc gave me my first b-12 shot. The results were pretty well amazing. The pain in my hips and shoulder pretty well subsided within 6 hours of the shot.

I guess b-12 deficiency has been pretty well documented with thyroid disorders: http://www.naturopathydigest.com/archives/2008/oct/schor.php

My doctor told me to be more consistent with the sublingual. I love T-Tapp's b-12 https://store.t-tapp.com/products/B%252d12-Plus.html especially when traveling by car. It's way better than caffeine for a boost in energy. It doesn't have the time-costing side-effect of having to empty my bladder due to the diruetic effect of caffeine laced drinks as well.

Most b-12 treatments require more than one shot. Because I don't go in to the doctor's every month, I'm considering a stronger b-12 supplement. http://www.b12patch.com/ The patch from this site looks like a shot-strength b-12 in a patch. It's hard not to have as much energy as I used to, and I can't imagine it's all due to aging when I see what others my age bracket seem to accomplish.

I haven't exercised as much as normal the last month either. I have lost weight since April, but I still feel chubby over last summer's results. I'm probably 5-10lbs over where I was (I'm not one to use the scale) I'm hoping the extra b-12 could help me in that arena as well. I see these women my age and older at the gym take 2 classes in a row and seem to be there no matter which time I go. I guess I used to do 90 minutes of T-Tapp with no problem...I'd like to get back to that~!