This year has been a year of spiritual healing. I remember saying to my thyroid doctor in September 2008 that I felt I had done everything I could physically (in my own strength) to do on her nutritional program to heal my gut from the leaky gut syndrome she had diagnosed me with 6 months earlier. I was now going to seek a spiritual healing path. Sometimes it takes us to do things in our own strength and fail to understand that we need to rely on God for everything!
So my path this year included many instances of freedom. God used many people, and many places. Some of them included His Word, the Cleansing Streams ministry, prayer services at my church, prayer and bible study with my small group, books and dvds on spiritual warfare and deliverance, my own prayer life and even video clips I found on the internet. I would say the theme of this year has been revelation. Once the Lord shows revealed something not pleasing to Him, I could repent and get freedom from it. My worship has grew from lukewarm to passionate once these obstacles were removed.
I was still fighting one area spiritually, the spirit of rejection, quite a bit so I knew I was not yet totally free. Doors opened in my life that I met people in my life that led to someone with a personal deliverance ministry. So I felt the Lord was leading me to go through this process I believe because He has been calling me into this ministry in some way.
This week I went through personal deliverance with Don Dickerman. A couple weeks before this appointment I would feel a sting on my foot and sometimes my arm. It felt like an ant stinging me, but there was no ant. Don told me it was quite common that the enemy knew his time was short, and it was a common effect of knowing deliverance was near. I also got a yeast infection, which I’ve only had a few times in my life. I also felt this was an attack to keep me from going to my appointment. I took the medication for it, even a strong oral one, and I was not surprised when the discomfort from it lingered longer than normal.
The deliverance process is quite simple. We prayed a prayer of repentance cancelling all the enemy’s rights to remain within my emotions, will and flesh. The holy spirit took up possession of my spirit when I accepted Jesus as my savior. Don then called all the spirits within me to line up in order of rank, and to remove their crowns and to come before Jehovah God and under His authority. Don instructed me to keep my eyes closed so I could focus on what these spirits would say through me. I had to ask for Jesus’ help to give up that emotional control to do so. I realize now after the session is long over that Jesus was there blinding me from seeing the spirits. Jesus knew it was more than I could take because all I saw was white light. Don said some people do see them, but I’ve always been very sensitive to dark things and will not even watch nearly any movie with spiritually dark things in them because I know I cannot handle it. I am a very visual person and I had a hard time getting any visual on the demon type, and didn’t see their name either. So it worked better when Don asked the type because the spirit would respond to the type more often in a yes or no answer.
Don told me to say the name that the spirit gave me, regardless of how weird it sounded. Don would ask and sometimes it was just silent. He had to remind the spirit that it was before Jehovah God and then they spoke through me. They didn’t take over my voice with another voice, but sometimes the answers came so quickly. I just spoke what I was given to my mind, and sometimes it was so fast that it felt like my mind didn’t really process it. Some of the names were spoken through me very quickly. I had to repeat them to myself to spell them. The spelling came but it was a slow process at times because I’m not an auditory learner, but visual. So, as we started, I kept hearing Adonai, Adonai, Adonai in my mind as he spoke. He called them forward and asked for the highest ranking spirit. And so I said “Adonai” when he asked for the highest ranking spirit’s name because that’s what I kept hearing in my mind (Adonai is the Hebrew name of God; I found out later when I looked it up. I knew it was biblical). Don rebuked that name, and asked if that name would stand before Jehovah God. “No”, I immediately answered and giggled. “What is your name?” asked Don. “Abomini” said the spirit from me. “Where are you located and what is your function” is the next question Don asked. It was in the thyroid and I forget the function. Don asked if it has any right to stay. “no” was the answer. More into the delieverance, the spirts became more flippant. It was a “no, pffft” answer instead of just “no”. He’d ask what kind of spirit it was, knowing the type would give him the clue as to who could be there with it. A bug, a bird, and a scorpion are a few I remember. Knowing the type, Don could ask if so and so was there under this spirit. This Abomini lied a lot because through the process Don found one spirit known to be a higher rank, so at that point Don commanded the spirit to repair and restore all things as God intended them to be and sent him back to the heavenlies and to the one inside of me to the abyss in the name of Jesus. As whatever spirit or spirits left, I deeply exhaled. There was no head spinning, yelling, or even coughing.
This was the process. It’s as simple as finding their name of the highest rank one. Finding out if they have any legal right to stay and then casting them out in Jesus’ name. Don went after the Prince spirits to find out who was in charge. What kind of spirit is it? Where were they located. Do they have any right to remain? In my case, none had the right. I had nothing like unforgiveness or sin holding me back, but these spirits are like brats…. They are not going to just leave on their own. Once commanded under the authority of Jesus, they must leave. A few of them gave fake names, one being Kikimama. I’m not sure how Don knew they were fake, perhaps it was the mocking laugh I let out on some of them. These brat spirits were quite funny to watch at times at how deceiving they tried to be, but they could not lie under God’s authority. And at some point I was laughing so hard that Don recognized a mocking spirit he had already come in contact with, Pointdexter. The spirit identified himself in agreement when Don asked. Another one gave a fake name, but it was really Kershus or perhaps Kelman. I’m already starting to forget the crazy names like that and Crycicacile and Telan. He asked location of the body, and commanded everything be put back in order and working as God intended before casting them out in Jesus name.
The spirits were located in my left ear causing confusion, top of my head, in my eyes causing disfunction, in my pituitary causing disfunction, in my gut causing the leaky gut. There was someone in charge of rejection, an emotion I had not yet had victory over. The spirit said it was in charge of walls. I believe it was in the gut as well. There were 3 prince demons each having 31 below them. Don only dealt with the prince ones making them fix the disorder or anything else wrong the killed, robbed or destroyed, back into what God intended and commanded them to leave with all its underlings in Jesus name. I had filled out a pre-session questionnaire which guided Don into what demons had destroyed , or perhaps what issues and health problems were in my family. One was alcoholism, which is not something I have ever struggled with myself, but I knew it had broken up my grandmother’s family when she was young. The spirits of alcoholism were indeed present when Don called them forward, even though I don’t struggle with the issue. Some of these spirits had gotten into my life through a generational curse, which is probably true for the alcoholism. Some had open doors through trauma: One was falling off my bike when I was 11 and getting hurt. That situation was in my mind when asked by Don. Some came in through anesthesia from surgeries. And, some was from my own sin. All of them answered how or why they were there when asked. They were on trial under God’s authority and could not lie.
Once we got through everything I listed on my form, Don commanded any unnamed demon and the 3 prince demons to leave. This was a more violent release and I yelled several times and then it was done, or so I thought, lol. I still had a pain across my chest. We went back and confronted this pain. It was one named Tarsus, located in the heart and responsible for heart disease (which 2 or 3 of my grandparents suffered from). He was asked why he didn’t leave when directed, and said, “eh, didn’t want to”. Don asked it if it was a renegade, which the spirit said , “ya”. Then it left uneventfully with an exhale when commanded in Jesus name. Don said that sometimes happens when a spirit knows its power has been cancelled and can only just “hang out not doing anything” so it brought the tightness and pain to my consciousness so it would be dealt with.
My session was then complete, and I was free~! Don said my countenance had totally changed from when I came in. Each day, and every minute of the day can bring temptation, but with God’s help we can walk in victory. We must put on the full amour of God. We must resist those doors of temptation and the devil will flee from us. They are still out there in the heavenlies, but unless I open a door through sin or trauma, they will not return. The generational curse ones have been canceled and paid for through the blood of Christ and cannot return. And, as I told Don, once you know better, you can do better~! (quote by Maya Angelo). Take the revelation God gives you in each situation and turn to Him. He will protect us from the evil one. God bless you all~!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
As my spirtual journey continued this summer, I had the opportunity to attend a healing service with my friend the second weekend of August. At one point in the service, the speaker talked about God's spare part inventories. He spoke of someone who had visited heaven either through a dream, vision or spiritually and had seen rooms full of new body parts, just waiting to be prayed into use by those on earth. Anyone who wanted to come forward to pray for a new part was welcome to come up. So, I went up with maybe 2o others in the front. Each one was asked which body part they needed and prayed over. Once I announced my thyroid when asked, and was prayed for, the man was lightly touching my head. I felt the spirit of God come on me and the next thing I felt was feet falling underneath me. Someone was behind me and caught me, helping my body lie on the floor. You've probably seen this process on tv. Well, I'm here to say that it's REAL. They didn't push me at all. I just crumbled at God's spirit. I was aware at what was going on around but I didn't even try to get up. I just laid there on floor basking in the glory of God. Jesus sent a warmth over my neck and I knew He was healing my body with a new thyroid. Heat is a very common symptom of healing from the Lord. It felt like a gentle heating pad that was warm, not hot. In a few minutes, maybe 5, I felt like I could stand up again.
Later that day, I had a headache like I've had a few times before. It felt like I had too much medicine in my system, raising my blood pressure, which gives you the headache. I prayed over myself, laying hands on my head that Jesus would adjust my hormone levels and blood pressure. The headache subsided at the command of Jesus' name.
The next morning, I prayed if I should continue taking my Armour. The answer was immediate and a strong, "no, no, no, no, no". So, wanting to make sure, I asked again, lol. It didn't change. So, in obedience, I threw it all away. I went to my doctor the following week, and told her about my experience. She actually was very happy for me, and she told me to make an appointment in 3 months for a TSH blood test.
I've been off my medication for about 3 weeks now. My weight is stable. I don't have any symptoms that I had before and my energy levels have been good. I look forward to seeing my blood test levels in 2 more months~! Thank you Jesus for the healing~!
Later that day, I had a headache like I've had a few times before. It felt like I had too much medicine in my system, raising my blood pressure, which gives you the headache. I prayed over myself, laying hands on my head that Jesus would adjust my hormone levels and blood pressure. The headache subsided at the command of Jesus' name.
The next morning, I prayed if I should continue taking my Armour. The answer was immediate and a strong, "no, no, no, no, no". So, wanting to make sure, I asked again, lol. It didn't change. So, in obedience, I threw it all away. I went to my doctor the following week, and told her about my experience. She actually was very happy for me, and she told me to make an appointment in 3 months for a TSH blood test.
I've been off my medication for about 3 weeks now. My weight is stable. I don't have any symptoms that I had before and my energy levels have been good. I look forward to seeing my blood test levels in 2 more months~! Thank you Jesus for the healing~!
Monday, July 20, 2009
The spiritual side of healing my body
We love to feel in control and think we can do it all ourselves. This is especially true for myself being a very independent person. God created this in me for a purpose, but I felt last fall that I needed some spiritual cleansing after I had done the initial physical cleansing for my yeast syndrome caused by hypothyroidism. I had done everything in my own strength and yet healing of my yeast syndrome eluded me. Sometimes we are slow to accept the free gift of healing from our creator, but He is there just waiting for us to ask. There is sometimes a transfer. We give up to get. Usually it involves something ungodly in our life, unforgiveness toward others is the most frequent one. But, it could be bitterness, anger or other things too.
My church sponsors a program called Cleansing Streams, and it was the beginning step in my spiritual cleansing. ( ) It’s a ministry of deliverance or spiritual cleansing. Why would a person who has given their life to Jesus need cleansing? Sometimes when you accept Jesus as your personal savior, he does a supernatural healing all at once, but other times God allows us to take a longer path. Some of us don’t surrender everything at the time we accept Jesus as our personal savior. As the Holy Spirit reveals things you need to give up or repent of, then the healing follows. Sometimes we take back what we have previously given up and opened doors for evil to come back in.
Jesus is the only one born into this world who became a perfect sacrifice, allowing Him to become our intercessor to a Holy God. I also studied many religions last fall and found for myself that they all either made one do all the effort in their own strength to get to a heavenly realm or they relied on the one’s works. Jesus requires neither. When we give up our efforts and works to allow Him to do it for us, we get the power of the most High God just for the asking. It truly is a free gift available to anyone. It’s true that once we accept Jesus to come in and cleanse us of our sins, we our possessed by the Holy Spirit. It is a gift of the Holy Trinity, which is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Yet, we can struggle if we do not repent and turn from our sins. Once we do, we can renew our minds and be transformed.
Romans 12:2 (New International Version)
2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
So if the Holy Spirit takes up possession of our spirit, where can evil reside? God did not create robots. He wants us to make a choice for Him every day. He allows possession of evil in our flesh, emotions or our will. We can open doors to allow evil spirits to come in by participating in things not of God. Things that have promise of power that are not of God. Looking for power in all the wrong places~! There are many of these things in our culture that seem so “normal”, but they are actually gates of evil. When we give into emotions that are not of God, especially unforgiveness, it opens a door to evil to have permission from us to reside in one of those three places: our will, emotions or flesh. Then there are gates of trauma that were out of our control by the sin of others: humiliation, anger, addictions, immorality, spoken curses. We can be affected by the sins of our ancestors to the third or fourth generation. Generational curses are mentioned in verses: Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9. Evil also finds gates into us through sickness, birth trauma, surgery. And what Christian would make an oath or vow that seems perfectly benign, but it actually allows a gate because it’s a cloaked religion that is ultimately against God or something of secrecy. See Don Dickerman’s book, “When Pigs Move in“ for a full explanation of each of these. (
So this is the path of discovery and healing I have been on this year. In the fall, I first attended the Cleansing Streams group meetings, which were 10 weeks of learning via video and book discussion in a small group. It was all geared toward the Prayer Retreat near the end of the 10-week session. During the prayer retreat, which I fasted 3 days leading up to, God showed up to get rid of these spirits that were hanging out in my will, emotions and flesh. Periods of fasting and prayer produce great spiritual results, many of which fall into the realm of a breakthrough. I found while fasting and praying that I was to break the generational curses of my paternal great-grandmother. I didn’t know much about her, although I was told by my grandfather many times that I resembled her quite a bit. My parents later told me that she was a very independent person, who divorced my great-grandfather and had many boyfriends after that. She died rather young in her 60s shortly before I was born.
2 Chronicles 7:14:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The cleansing streams has several topics that everyone gets prayed over on a personal basis. I had the biggest physical release with the spirit of rejection. I screamed the spirit out. I didn’t intentionally scream. It just happened as the person prayed over me. I found after that the hold of rejection by other people did not have the hold on me that it had in the past. My emotions were not as negative. This was the first step in my spiritual cleansing.
Our church also has Wednesday night prayer services and a few weeks after the Cleansing Streams retreat, I found myself in a huge release. As soon as the prayer started, my body was sobbing and then convulsing as whatever had a hold of me was so deep. I had not even gone up for myself, but I was standing in asking for prayer for my very ill father-in-law. God honored my request for myself. I was so full of His Spirit by the end of the prayer, that I could not walk back to my seat. My body continued to shake, which is another sign of the healing touch of God. The next day I had more energy in one day than I usually had all week. My healing continued.
In the spring, my husband decided to go through the Cleansing Streams program, so I went through it again with him. This time, God was very specific in what the person was to pray as I was prayed over. I felt the words come into my Spirit as I waited for my turn to go up for prayer. I found more healing and healing in my marriage as I went through it with my husband. It positively affected the whole family.
In early May, I met Karen Mayer Cunningham who spoke at my friends’ writers group. She wrote a book, Defying Autism, on healing and how her son James was healed of autism through prayer and deliverance. . While telling the world of this miraculous story of healing on the Sid Roth show, she met Don Dickerman. So I read Don’s book, When Pigs Move in, and met him a month later in Dallas. My family went up to one of his nights of ministry as he included Karen that night also. He basically does the same prayers of deliverance, but in a group setting. While he was talking, I noticed an unsettled stomach, which he explained a few minutes later that it was the spirits getting anxious knowing they were about to be sent to the abyss. When I still felt a tightness around my heart, I kept my hand up to alert him that I needed additional prayer. When he pointed at me and commanded for the spirits to leave, I felt my body let go a big breath of air. I also felt my ear pop. These are some ways to know that something has left the body. I took home Don’s deliverance video and looked at it the following day. I again felt something leave on my breath.
Don has a 14-year-old girl who assists him from time to time. She has been given a gift of discernment from God to know what the names of these spirits are. If you know who you are dealing with, then it is a lot easier to command the specific spirit to leave. The tone of my whole family changed after that night. I personally was not bothered by negative thoughts that plagued my emotions. My son who couldn’t sleep well that past few months and had been tormented with nightmares was now set free. My older son’s anger disappeared. How does this affect my thyroid and yeast syndrome? It’s ALL connected~! Your emotional and spiritual health affects the physical. I believe Jesus is healing my disorder~! And, I’m a much happier person going through this life. I hope my words give you the hope and healing that I have found in my faith.
1 Pet 2:2424 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (KJV)
My church sponsors a program called Cleansing Streams, and it was the beginning step in my spiritual cleansing. ( ) It’s a ministry of deliverance or spiritual cleansing. Why would a person who has given their life to Jesus need cleansing? Sometimes when you accept Jesus as your personal savior, he does a supernatural healing all at once, but other times God allows us to take a longer path. Some of us don’t surrender everything at the time we accept Jesus as our personal savior. As the Holy Spirit reveals things you need to give up or repent of, then the healing follows. Sometimes we take back what we have previously given up and opened doors for evil to come back in.
Jesus is the only one born into this world who became a perfect sacrifice, allowing Him to become our intercessor to a Holy God. I also studied many religions last fall and found for myself that they all either made one do all the effort in their own strength to get to a heavenly realm or they relied on the one’s works. Jesus requires neither. When we give up our efforts and works to allow Him to do it for us, we get the power of the most High God just for the asking. It truly is a free gift available to anyone. It’s true that once we accept Jesus to come in and cleanse us of our sins, we our possessed by the Holy Spirit. It is a gift of the Holy Trinity, which is God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Yet, we can struggle if we do not repent and turn from our sins. Once we do, we can renew our minds and be transformed.
Romans 12:2 (New International Version)
2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
So if the Holy Spirit takes up possession of our spirit, where can evil reside? God did not create robots. He wants us to make a choice for Him every day. He allows possession of evil in our flesh, emotions or our will. We can open doors to allow evil spirits to come in by participating in things not of God. Things that have promise of power that are not of God. Looking for power in all the wrong places~! There are many of these things in our culture that seem so “normal”, but they are actually gates of evil. When we give into emotions that are not of God, especially unforgiveness, it opens a door to evil to have permission from us to reside in one of those three places: our will, emotions or flesh. Then there are gates of trauma that were out of our control by the sin of others: humiliation, anger, addictions, immorality, spoken curses. We can be affected by the sins of our ancestors to the third or fourth generation. Generational curses are mentioned in verses: Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9. Evil also finds gates into us through sickness, birth trauma, surgery. And what Christian would make an oath or vow that seems perfectly benign, but it actually allows a gate because it’s a cloaked religion that is ultimately against God or something of secrecy. See Don Dickerman’s book, “When Pigs Move in“ for a full explanation of each of these. (
So this is the path of discovery and healing I have been on this year. In the fall, I first attended the Cleansing Streams group meetings, which were 10 weeks of learning via video and book discussion in a small group. It was all geared toward the Prayer Retreat near the end of the 10-week session. During the prayer retreat, which I fasted 3 days leading up to, God showed up to get rid of these spirits that were hanging out in my will, emotions and flesh. Periods of fasting and prayer produce great spiritual results, many of which fall into the realm of a breakthrough. I found while fasting and praying that I was to break the generational curses of my paternal great-grandmother. I didn’t know much about her, although I was told by my grandfather many times that I resembled her quite a bit. My parents later told me that she was a very independent person, who divorced my great-grandfather and had many boyfriends after that. She died rather young in her 60s shortly before I was born.
2 Chronicles 7:14:
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
The cleansing streams has several topics that everyone gets prayed over on a personal basis. I had the biggest physical release with the spirit of rejection. I screamed the spirit out. I didn’t intentionally scream. It just happened as the person prayed over me. I found after that the hold of rejection by other people did not have the hold on me that it had in the past. My emotions were not as negative. This was the first step in my spiritual cleansing.
Our church also has Wednesday night prayer services and a few weeks after the Cleansing Streams retreat, I found myself in a huge release. As soon as the prayer started, my body was sobbing and then convulsing as whatever had a hold of me was so deep. I had not even gone up for myself, but I was standing in asking for prayer for my very ill father-in-law. God honored my request for myself. I was so full of His Spirit by the end of the prayer, that I could not walk back to my seat. My body continued to shake, which is another sign of the healing touch of God. The next day I had more energy in one day than I usually had all week. My healing continued.
In the spring, my husband decided to go through the Cleansing Streams program, so I went through it again with him. This time, God was very specific in what the person was to pray as I was prayed over. I felt the words come into my Spirit as I waited for my turn to go up for prayer. I found more healing and healing in my marriage as I went through it with my husband. It positively affected the whole family.
In early May, I met Karen Mayer Cunningham who spoke at my friends’ writers group. She wrote a book, Defying Autism, on healing and how her son James was healed of autism through prayer and deliverance. . While telling the world of this miraculous story of healing on the Sid Roth show, she met Don Dickerman. So I read Don’s book, When Pigs Move in, and met him a month later in Dallas. My family went up to one of his nights of ministry as he included Karen that night also. He basically does the same prayers of deliverance, but in a group setting. While he was talking, I noticed an unsettled stomach, which he explained a few minutes later that it was the spirits getting anxious knowing they were about to be sent to the abyss. When I still felt a tightness around my heart, I kept my hand up to alert him that I needed additional prayer. When he pointed at me and commanded for the spirits to leave, I felt my body let go a big breath of air. I also felt my ear pop. These are some ways to know that something has left the body. I took home Don’s deliverance video and looked at it the following day. I again felt something leave on my breath.
Don has a 14-year-old girl who assists him from time to time. She has been given a gift of discernment from God to know what the names of these spirits are. If you know who you are dealing with, then it is a lot easier to command the specific spirit to leave. The tone of my whole family changed after that night. I personally was not bothered by negative thoughts that plagued my emotions. My son who couldn’t sleep well that past few months and had been tormented with nightmares was now set free. My older son’s anger disappeared. How does this affect my thyroid and yeast syndrome? It’s ALL connected~! Your emotional and spiritual health affects the physical. I believe Jesus is healing my disorder~! And, I’m a much happier person going through this life. I hope my words give you the hope and healing that I have found in my faith.
1 Pet 2:2424 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (KJV)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
wacko hormones~!
I went back to my doctor on June 13th , and she switched my antifungal again to the strongest Ketoconazole that I haven't had since last spring. She also upped my thyroid to 120mg. I had a lot of fatigue the few few weeks which I could attribute to detox, but eh, who knows at this point. My hair started falling out with abandon about a week ago *sigh* so it's either the increase in thyroid making my hormones go wacko or maybe it's just all part of being 45 and in perimenopause.
I am the strongest I've been, probably ever, mostly from the pilates and or holding yoga poses longer during the BodyFlow classes I take at the Y ( The pilates take brute strength, some of them, and I can see how I've grown with the program as most of the classes have done just two routines the last 5 months because the instructors are new to teaching BodyFlow. There are now 2 instructors that have been teaching BodyFlow longer, and they mix it up with older routines, which makes it more challenging to use different muscles on those days. But, doing the same routines really allows you to watch your body progress. As a Christian, I'm opposed to what the yoga poses mean, but I haven't found a better exercise program that gives me the stretching and increased flexibility. The Y also waters the classes down to be just that, a stretching class. I've noticed that the instructors don't say "namaste" anymore either. Perhaps it was due to my comment to the Y that they are based on Judeo-Christian values, and yet, saying "namaste" can be translated into "I will follow you", not something God wants for us to follow anyone but Him.
I still T-Tapp when I can motivate myself to workout at home, but that happens maybe once a week. When I go to BodyFlow, I do warm-up with T-Tapp's primary back stretch to unkink my spine and get the neurokenetics going so my nerve to muscle is more optimal. I also put my spine back into alignment with some T-Tapp twist (both moves on this dvd: ). With just these two moves before class, I open up my nervous system more so yes, I'm sweating by the end of the warm-up. T-Tapp's also given me fabulous body awareness to make minute body alignment adjustments that pay off big. I push my knee to little toe that others in the class probably cannot see. Also a tucked tush, ribs up and really pushing the muscles in all these moves while in alignment really makes you sweat~! If you let your body go to the point of least resistance, of course it will be a much easier workout, and most people just don't even realize they are letting their bodies do just that.
For the BodyFlow floor work, I always do T-Tapp's Organs-in-place ( ). It's a really quick move that keeps you from developing a rounded tummy. I also always take my Pyruvyl Glycine spray with me to give myself more endurance ( ) I noticed a huge difference in endurance when I started taking it 5 years ago during workouts, and it's helpful in burning fat as well--another reason I sweat more too~!
For moving and sweating as much as I do it's really frustrating that I'm not at my goal size like I was last year. So, I'm praying for hormonal balance and a working thyroid~!
I am the strongest I've been, probably ever, mostly from the pilates and or holding yoga poses longer during the BodyFlow classes I take at the Y ( The pilates take brute strength, some of them, and I can see how I've grown with the program as most of the classes have done just two routines the last 5 months because the instructors are new to teaching BodyFlow. There are now 2 instructors that have been teaching BodyFlow longer, and they mix it up with older routines, which makes it more challenging to use different muscles on those days. But, doing the same routines really allows you to watch your body progress. As a Christian, I'm opposed to what the yoga poses mean, but I haven't found a better exercise program that gives me the stretching and increased flexibility. The Y also waters the classes down to be just that, a stretching class. I've noticed that the instructors don't say "namaste" anymore either. Perhaps it was due to my comment to the Y that they are based on Judeo-Christian values, and yet, saying "namaste" can be translated into "I will follow you", not something God wants for us to follow anyone but Him.
I still T-Tapp when I can motivate myself to workout at home, but that happens maybe once a week. When I go to BodyFlow, I do warm-up with T-Tapp's primary back stretch to unkink my spine and get the neurokenetics going so my nerve to muscle is more optimal. I also put my spine back into alignment with some T-Tapp twist (both moves on this dvd: ). With just these two moves before class, I open up my nervous system more so yes, I'm sweating by the end of the warm-up. T-Tapp's also given me fabulous body awareness to make minute body alignment adjustments that pay off big. I push my knee to little toe that others in the class probably cannot see. Also a tucked tush, ribs up and really pushing the muscles in all these moves while in alignment really makes you sweat~! If you let your body go to the point of least resistance, of course it will be a much easier workout, and most people just don't even realize they are letting their bodies do just that.
For the BodyFlow floor work, I always do T-Tapp's Organs-in-place ( ). It's a really quick move that keeps you from developing a rounded tummy. I also always take my Pyruvyl Glycine spray with me to give myself more endurance ( ) I noticed a huge difference in endurance when I started taking it 5 years ago during workouts, and it's helpful in burning fat as well--another reason I sweat more too~!
For moving and sweating as much as I do it's really frustrating that I'm not at my goal size like I was last year. So, I'm praying for hormonal balance and a working thyroid~!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Dieting Tips and etc from Mary Shomon
I thought Mary's recent teleconference call was worthy of referencing. She's now a T-Tapper too~! I prefer T-Tapp's alfalfa for the all-in-one pill worthy for diruetics, fiber, hormone balance for hot flashes and anti-cancer properties vs. a host of thing Mary mentioned. You just have to be sure to take the alfalfa 4-6 hours after thyroid because the iron content in it will interfere with thyroid med absorbtion.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
B-12 deficiency
I had a regular 3-month update with my thyroid doctor. I'm feeling so much better than a year ago, yet still not perfect. I can't get away with cheating on eating dairy, which I have gotten used to not eating, but sometimes....a party, event, or ya, I just gotta, lol. She told me to triple my digestive enzymes when I cheat to help my stomach to break down the cheese before it hits my intestines.
But, I mentioned how much my joints hurt, which was new in the last week or so in my hips and feet. I thought my shoulder hurt the last 6 weeks from injury. My doctor diagnosed me with bursitis due to vitamin b-12 deficiency. I have been extremely busy the last month so it makes sense that the stress could have depleted my b-12 reserves beyond what I could replenish with my usual sublingual. My doc gave me my first b-12 shot. The results were pretty well amazing. The pain in my hips and shoulder pretty well subsided within 6 hours of the shot.
I guess b-12 deficiency has been pretty well documented with thyroid disorders:
My doctor told me to be more consistent with the sublingual. I love T-Tapp's b-12 especially when traveling by car. It's way better than caffeine for a boost in energy. It doesn't have the time-costing side-effect of having to empty my bladder due to the diruetic effect of caffeine laced drinks as well.
Most b-12 treatments require more than one shot. Because I don't go in to the doctor's every month, I'm considering a stronger b-12 supplement. The patch from this site looks like a shot-strength b-12 in a patch. It's hard not to have as much energy as I used to, and I can't imagine it's all due to aging when I see what others my age bracket seem to accomplish.
I haven't exercised as much as normal the last month either. I have lost weight since April, but I still feel chubby over last summer's results. I'm probably 5-10lbs over where I was (I'm not one to use the scale) I'm hoping the extra b-12 could help me in that arena as well. I see these women my age and older at the gym take 2 classes in a row and seem to be there no matter which time I go. I guess I used to do 90 minutes of T-Tapp with no problem...I'd like to get back to that~!
But, I mentioned how much my joints hurt, which was new in the last week or so in my hips and feet. I thought my shoulder hurt the last 6 weeks from injury. My doctor diagnosed me with bursitis due to vitamin b-12 deficiency. I have been extremely busy the last month so it makes sense that the stress could have depleted my b-12 reserves beyond what I could replenish with my usual sublingual. My doc gave me my first b-12 shot. The results were pretty well amazing. The pain in my hips and shoulder pretty well subsided within 6 hours of the shot.
I guess b-12 deficiency has been pretty well documented with thyroid disorders:
My doctor told me to be more consistent with the sublingual. I love T-Tapp's b-12 especially when traveling by car. It's way better than caffeine for a boost in energy. It doesn't have the time-costing side-effect of having to empty my bladder due to the diruetic effect of caffeine laced drinks as well.
Most b-12 treatments require more than one shot. Because I don't go in to the doctor's every month, I'm considering a stronger b-12 supplement. The patch from this site looks like a shot-strength b-12 in a patch. It's hard not to have as much energy as I used to, and I can't imagine it's all due to aging when I see what others my age bracket seem to accomplish.
I haven't exercised as much as normal the last month either. I have lost weight since April, but I still feel chubby over last summer's results. I'm probably 5-10lbs over where I was (I'm not one to use the scale) I'm hoping the extra b-12 could help me in that arena as well. I see these women my age and older at the gym take 2 classes in a row and seem to be there no matter which time I go. I guess I used to do 90 minutes of T-Tapp with no problem...I'd like to get back to that~!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
It's been a whole year~!
I started my anti-yeast regimen a whole year ago last week. My doctor took some blood for tests and I got to see where my levels are. Good news is that I do, in general, feel better, but the bad news is that I'm far from healed. My yeast levels are still high and some of my food allergy levels that were low went up. Some had improved so it's not all bad, but still not what I was hoping for after a year's worth of treatment. My doctor switched my enzymes to Ortho Molecular Products Ortho Digestzyme. They have some stomach acid helpers and liver bile extracts. She said one of the biggest problems is my food is not digesting far enough along in my stomach. My age certainly plays a role in the length of time for healing, and that I did not get into this situation in a short time either. Life would not be so challenging if the American diet was more um, ethnic, lol. Chinese and Mexican foods have been staples since I can eat corn and rice. Some things I truly don't miss, but there are times I do want those forbidden foods, which for other people don't pose a problem - namely dairy, wheat and eggs~!
I've also been fighting illness the last several weeks. My oldest had the flu for 2 weeks, and although I never got the flu as he had, I sure did feel the fight. My immune system seemed to hold on as I fed it oil of oregano, vitamin c and elderberry. I also took as many FIR saunas as I could squeeze in. This past week, I've had terrible sinus pressure, which I have since found others with the same symptoms. It's another virus going around I suppose. My middle son has that one as well. I put ASAP silver drops into my eyes which seemed to brighten them up overnight. I'm still congested, but hopefully it will pass and not turn into any kind of infection. My doctor put me on a stronger anti-fungal for a month hoping that would help me boost my immune system as well.
The weather will turn warm again next week into the 80s. That will do my body good as I do LOVE the heat~!
I've also been fighting illness the last several weeks. My oldest had the flu for 2 weeks, and although I never got the flu as he had, I sure did feel the fight. My immune system seemed to hold on as I fed it oil of oregano, vitamin c and elderberry. I also took as many FIR saunas as I could squeeze in. This past week, I've had terrible sinus pressure, which I have since found others with the same symptoms. It's another virus going around I suppose. My middle son has that one as well. I put ASAP silver drops into my eyes which seemed to brighten them up overnight. I'm still congested, but hopefully it will pass and not turn into any kind of infection. My doctor put me on a stronger anti-fungal for a month hoping that would help me boost my immune system as well.
The weather will turn warm again next week into the 80s. That will do my body good as I do LOVE the heat~!
Saturday, March 7, 2009


This is my box of daytime pills. I have to take a probiotic, enzymes x 3, an anti-fungal x 3, and an intestional rebuilder x 2, each day. I also take Better Body Basics alfalfa, 1000mg of vit C, a hair growth supplement, calcium/magnesium and a CQ10. The buttons represent the powdered intestional rebuilder which is a powder. Having them in each day allows me to keep track better of what I have taken for that day. I also don't have to go through all the bottles each day, but just once a week, which is the best no-brainer part of taking pills this way.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
how to take thyroid meds
who knew??
6. Be careful about taking calcium and calcium-fortified orange juice at the same time as thyroid hormone. Allow at least 2-3 hours apart, so absorption is not affected.
I started taking a cal/mag pill in the morning about an hour after my thyroid pill. I take a whole passel of pills in the morning when I eat breakfast. I usually take my cal/mag at night, but decided to up the dosage to the recommended amount of 3 with one taken in the morning. I saw my energy dip, which could have been due to a number of other things too, but the last two days I have felt better throughout the day while taking my cal/mag pill at lunch. And, my alfalfa, I can't take that either with the iron levels of it being high. I should check the new hair growth supplement my doctor ok'ed as well. Maybe I'll just opt to take most of my passel at lunch. Lesson learned~!
Here's more insight from a fave newsletter on thyroid health:
6. Be careful about taking calcium and calcium-fortified orange juice at the same time as thyroid hormone. Allow at least 2-3 hours apart, so absorption is not affected.
I started taking a cal/mag pill in the morning about an hour after my thyroid pill. I take a whole passel of pills in the morning when I eat breakfast. I usually take my cal/mag at night, but decided to up the dosage to the recommended amount of 3 with one taken in the morning. I saw my energy dip, which could have been due to a number of other things too, but the last two days I have felt better throughout the day while taking my cal/mag pill at lunch. And, my alfalfa, I can't take that either with the iron levels of it being high. I should check the new hair growth supplement my doctor ok'ed as well. Maybe I'll just opt to take most of my passel at lunch. Lesson learned~!
Here's more insight from a fave newsletter on thyroid health:
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Flu the coop~!
Lots of people around here a sucumbing to the flu, strep or other nasty viruses. My son in fact had a virus about a month ago and I managed to skid past it. I had a headache for 2 days this week, but it did not turn into anything else by taking my arsenal of health supplements.
While healing my gut, I have been taking 1000mg of vitamin c every day. I have found a brand that is easy on my stomach. Emergen-c is another brand of vitamin c I love, but it has other vitamins and minerals in it. Personally, I do not take more than 4 a day when i am sick, 2 when I am well. I prefer the raspberry or lemon lime flavors. Emergen-C also makes an "Immune Defense" variety. And, one specifically for kids
When someone around me is sick, or I hear a virus is going around in our area....I take a couple capsules of elderberry a day. I prefer this brand: I heard about elderberry from Dr. David Williams at years ago how it builds your immunity to bypass sickness being passed around. You can also use the elderberry syrup liquid, which I give to my pill-hating kiddos. Elderberry can also help curb sickness once you are already ill as well.
The other two things I line up for me or my kids are Oil of oregano and ASAP Silver. We have used oil of oregano for about 10 years. Our middle son had allergies and the Claritin the doctor prescribed was putting him to sleep at school. We started giving him the oil of oregano, and it cleared up the allergies without side effects. Oil of oregano is anti- viral, fungal, bacterial and parasitic. It's pretty effective against many illnesses. I like to take 5 drops twice a day in a bit of juice, with a juice chaser. Just don't sip it~! It will affect your lips. I give the kids 2-3 drops twice a day, depending on their age. We have tried a few different brands, but find the one by North American Spice Company tastes and works the best. Many health food stores sell it but it will cost more, about $30 instead of iherb's best price.
I decided to try the ASAP Solution around 2003. I remember I had a really bad case of food poisoning that year and continued to throw up until it dawned on me that I had this new thing in the cupboard I could try. Twenty minutes later, my gut was completely settled. It kills e. coli among many other bacteria, and it kills only the bad bacteria. It only takes 1/2 teaspoon at most as well. It is also the one thing I can put into my eye to take care of a stye or other eye infection. It works very quickly for me as well. I always make sure I take it when I travel. I took my travel bottle to a friend and put two droppers in each person's mouth who was throwing up from the flu. They didn't hurl again~! It's fabulous I tell ya~! I use this brand only because I'm assured that it's a safe level of silver.
This company above also sells a wonderful salve called PAV®. PAV® helps any skin condition including burns, acne, warts, skin tags, infections, athlete's foot, nail fungus, insect bites, stings, cuts, and rashes to name a few. PAV® is made only from the purest ingredients…pure natural Tree Resin, Olive Oil, and Petrolatum. (Petrolatum is a FOOD GRADE thickening agent.) It immediately takes the sting out of any cut or wound for me. I put it on a bee sting one summer, and it never swelled. I just kept reapplying the PAV® and the sting was healed within 24 hours. I love their new Super PAV® oil because it heals skin conditions even faster, being the strongest PAV® available.
My kids don't take vitamins but they do take Yummi Bears. They are made up of fruit and vegetable phytonutrients. I can't say how much they help against illness.....All I know is my kids are rarely sick, and they enjoy taking these gummies. I also like their fiber bears. My son got on a bout of constipation during the 12-day power outage of Hurricaine Ike last fall from not eating as well as we usually do. They worked great in no time, and it was easier on my mind to give him something "natural" vs. a medication like the doctor recommended. He has continued to take them a few times a week for maintenance. Even with serving vegetables and fruits, I doubt he gets enough fiber daily.
In addition to my supplements I use for myself and my family....I know moving my body is very important to elimination of toxins as well. I exercise as often as I can manage in my schedule. My favorite exercise program is T-Tapp because it combines strength and cardio in one program. It also doesn't affect my knee because you never do more than 8 reps. It gets harder as you use your own body's isometric contraction to work smarter. I also like stretching classes when I need to get out of the house with other people. I do stretching type classes. I tried a ballet class, which was great for my core, but there were too many pliés for my knee. I just started a weight class using very lightweight weights so I don't bulk up. I want to focus on strengthening my upper body and this class seems to be working.
I also already posted an entry on my Far-Infrared saunas, which I whole heartedly believe helps boost your body's immune system by putting it into a fake sense of reality of a low grade fever. My body spits out white blood cells in response to the body's high temperature.
Of course my mightiest weapon is the power of prayer. I believe my Mighty Creator answers my prayers of healing and good health because His son took on the sins of the world to heal us all once we put our faith in Him. 1 Peter 2:24 (New International Version)
24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
While healing my gut, I have been taking 1000mg of vitamin c every day. I have found a brand that is easy on my stomach. Emergen-c is another brand of vitamin c I love, but it has other vitamins and minerals in it. Personally, I do not take more than 4 a day when i am sick, 2 when I am well. I prefer the raspberry or lemon lime flavors. Emergen-C also makes an "Immune Defense" variety. And, one specifically for kids
When someone around me is sick, or I hear a virus is going around in our area....I take a couple capsules of elderberry a day. I prefer this brand: I heard about elderberry from Dr. David Williams at years ago how it builds your immunity to bypass sickness being passed around. You can also use the elderberry syrup liquid, which I give to my pill-hating kiddos. Elderberry can also help curb sickness once you are already ill as well.
The other two things I line up for me or my kids are Oil of oregano and ASAP Silver. We have used oil of oregano for about 10 years. Our middle son had allergies and the Claritin the doctor prescribed was putting him to sleep at school. We started giving him the oil of oregano, and it cleared up the allergies without side effects. Oil of oregano is anti- viral, fungal, bacterial and parasitic. It's pretty effective against many illnesses. I like to take 5 drops twice a day in a bit of juice, with a juice chaser. Just don't sip it~! It will affect your lips. I give the kids 2-3 drops twice a day, depending on their age. We have tried a few different brands, but find the one by North American Spice Company tastes and works the best. Many health food stores sell it but it will cost more, about $30 instead of iherb's best price.
I decided to try the ASAP Solution around 2003. I remember I had a really bad case of food poisoning that year and continued to throw up until it dawned on me that I had this new thing in the cupboard I could try. Twenty minutes later, my gut was completely settled. It kills e. coli among many other bacteria, and it kills only the bad bacteria. It only takes 1/2 teaspoon at most as well. It is also the one thing I can put into my eye to take care of a stye or other eye infection. It works very quickly for me as well. I always make sure I take it when I travel. I took my travel bottle to a friend and put two droppers in each person's mouth who was throwing up from the flu. They didn't hurl again~! It's fabulous I tell ya~! I use this brand only because I'm assured that it's a safe level of silver.
This company above also sells a wonderful salve called PAV®. PAV® helps any skin condition including burns, acne, warts, skin tags, infections, athlete's foot, nail fungus, insect bites, stings, cuts, and rashes to name a few. PAV® is made only from the purest ingredients…pure natural Tree Resin, Olive Oil, and Petrolatum. (Petrolatum is a FOOD GRADE thickening agent.) It immediately takes the sting out of any cut or wound for me. I put it on a bee sting one summer, and it never swelled. I just kept reapplying the PAV® and the sting was healed within 24 hours. I love their new Super PAV® oil because it heals skin conditions even faster, being the strongest PAV® available.
My kids don't take vitamins but they do take Yummi Bears. They are made up of fruit and vegetable phytonutrients. I can't say how much they help against illness.....All I know is my kids are rarely sick, and they enjoy taking these gummies. I also like their fiber bears. My son got on a bout of constipation during the 12-day power outage of Hurricaine Ike last fall from not eating as well as we usually do. They worked great in no time, and it was easier on my mind to give him something "natural" vs. a medication like the doctor recommended. He has continued to take them a few times a week for maintenance. Even with serving vegetables and fruits, I doubt he gets enough fiber daily.
In addition to my supplements I use for myself and my family....I know moving my body is very important to elimination of toxins as well. I exercise as often as I can manage in my schedule. My favorite exercise program is T-Tapp because it combines strength and cardio in one program. It also doesn't affect my knee because you never do more than 8 reps. It gets harder as you use your own body's isometric contraction to work smarter. I also like stretching classes when I need to get out of the house with other people. I do stretching type classes. I tried a ballet class, which was great for my core, but there were too many pliés for my knee. I just started a weight class using very lightweight weights so I don't bulk up. I want to focus on strengthening my upper body and this class seems to be working.
I also already posted an entry on my Far-Infrared saunas, which I whole heartedly believe helps boost your body's immune system by putting it into a fake sense of reality of a low grade fever. My body spits out white blood cells in response to the body's high temperature.
Of course my mightiest weapon is the power of prayer. I believe my Mighty Creator answers my prayers of healing and good health because His son took on the sins of the world to heal us all once we put our faith in Him. 1 Peter 2:24 (New International Version)
24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Real Sweet?
How appropriate to be talking about sweetners on a day when LOTS of sweets are exchanged here in the United States for Valentine's Day. I felt compulsed to talk about sweetners as I was recently reading the February 16, 2009 issue of First Magazine. They gave their lowdown on several sweetners.
I've always been one to exclude artificial sweetners from my diet. First of all, I never liked the aftertaste, and secondly, I never trusted something chemically produced. It seems I've been right to trust my instincts. According to the First article, "Aspertame (brand names: NutraSweet, Equal and Spoonful) is an excitatory neurotoxin that some researchers claim can overstimulate nerve cells and damage their protective barriers". The article also claimed "that a university study linked daily consumption to a 41 percent increased risk to being overweight". Yikes~! That is enough proof for me to continue to avoid it. I have noticed in the last few months that you are hard pressed to find any gum at all that does not have aspartame in it. It's even in Juicy Fruit now. I guess gum companies could not pass up the cheap way to sweeten their gum. Or, I wonder if it has addictive tendencies to get people hooked on gum. I thought the "Ice Cubes" gum was good because Xylitol is the first sweetner listed, and it was a few weeks before I noticed that aspartame is indeed listed. My kids are bummed too because they know I won't allow them to injest this chemical sweetner until they choose to as adults on their own.
Splenda has been on the market for at least a decade now. I always feel bad when I see someone choosing to buy a huge bag of it at the market, much like seeing someone choose to smoke. Splenda (or listed as sucralose more often) is a man-made sweetner that is produced by adding cholorine to sugar. It takes one sugar molocule and replaces it with cholorine, which means it now contains something carginogentic. The First article states "that it can trigger fatigue, high blood pressure and chronic maigraines, according to some studies". I wonder if it doesn't affect arthritis as well, since arthritis is an inflammation of joints, or toxins stuck in your joints. The First article also stated that "despite the manufacturer' claims that sucralose spurs weight loss, research in the journal NeuroImage revealed that, unlike sugar, sucralose doesn't activate the braine regions that signal satiety. As a result poeple who favor the artificial sweetner can end up craving - and overeating - sugary foods." Sucralose has an intense sweetness to me. I can taste it immediately if I happen to take a bite of it with something made with sucralose, which makes it easier to avoid in a way.
I mentioned Xylitol earlier. It is a sweetner made from birch sugar and is used mostly in alternative chewing gum like Spry and some toothpastes. It's in my toothpaste: I found a great website for more information on Xylitol:
Another sweetner affecting Americans at an alarming rates is high frutose corn syrup. HFCS has replaced sugar in the manufacturing of most processed foods. I have noticed there are more cereals you can buy that are HFCS-free, so manufacturers are starting to notice a market for some of us who will avoid buying HFCS products if possible. You wouldn't expect to find HFCS in most breads, but it's in there as well. We buy a "sugar-free" brand that doesn't have HFCS. We also have replaced our ketchup, relish and other condiments that don't have HFCS. HFCS is natural from corn, but the way your body processes it into fat very quickly is not. It may be linked to our country's surge in diabetes risk and systemic yeast.
Stevia is the only sweetner that's been legal on my anti-yeast diet. It's an extract of a tropical Stevia rebaudiana plant. So, it's a natural product, but the First article says "it is also great because it is a zero-calorie sweetner that keeps weight in check by regulating blood sugar so food is burned for energy rather than getting stored by the body as fat". The thing I have found with stevia is trying different brands. I have found I love the Trader Joe's brand (of course, one that I can't buy nearby). Also, you have to watch how much you use. I use very little stevia to sweeten something. But, I have found that usually I prefer nothing at all. Once you are off sugar, you don't really need it. You get use to things tasting au natural.
I've always been one to exclude artificial sweetners from my diet. First of all, I never liked the aftertaste, and secondly, I never trusted something chemically produced. It seems I've been right to trust my instincts. According to the First article, "Aspertame (brand names: NutraSweet, Equal and Spoonful) is an excitatory neurotoxin that some researchers claim can overstimulate nerve cells and damage their protective barriers". The article also claimed "that a university study linked daily consumption to a 41 percent increased risk to being overweight". Yikes~! That is enough proof for me to continue to avoid it. I have noticed in the last few months that you are hard pressed to find any gum at all that does not have aspartame in it. It's even in Juicy Fruit now. I guess gum companies could not pass up the cheap way to sweeten their gum. Or, I wonder if it has addictive tendencies to get people hooked on gum. I thought the "Ice Cubes" gum was good because Xylitol is the first sweetner listed, and it was a few weeks before I noticed that aspartame is indeed listed. My kids are bummed too because they know I won't allow them to injest this chemical sweetner until they choose to as adults on their own.
Splenda has been on the market for at least a decade now. I always feel bad when I see someone choosing to buy a huge bag of it at the market, much like seeing someone choose to smoke. Splenda (or listed as sucralose more often) is a man-made sweetner that is produced by adding cholorine to sugar. It takes one sugar molocule and replaces it with cholorine, which means it now contains something carginogentic. The First article states "that it can trigger fatigue, high blood pressure and chronic maigraines, according to some studies". I wonder if it doesn't affect arthritis as well, since arthritis is an inflammation of joints, or toxins stuck in your joints. The First article also stated that "despite the manufacturer' claims that sucralose spurs weight loss, research in the journal NeuroImage revealed that, unlike sugar, sucralose doesn't activate the braine regions that signal satiety. As a result poeple who favor the artificial sweetner can end up craving - and overeating - sugary foods." Sucralose has an intense sweetness to me. I can taste it immediately if I happen to take a bite of it with something made with sucralose, which makes it easier to avoid in a way.
I mentioned Xylitol earlier. It is a sweetner made from birch sugar and is used mostly in alternative chewing gum like Spry and some toothpastes. It's in my toothpaste: I found a great website for more information on Xylitol:
Another sweetner affecting Americans at an alarming rates is high frutose corn syrup. HFCS has replaced sugar in the manufacturing of most processed foods. I have noticed there are more cereals you can buy that are HFCS-free, so manufacturers are starting to notice a market for some of us who will avoid buying HFCS products if possible. You wouldn't expect to find HFCS in most breads, but it's in there as well. We buy a "sugar-free" brand that doesn't have HFCS. We also have replaced our ketchup, relish and other condiments that don't have HFCS. HFCS is natural from corn, but the way your body processes it into fat very quickly is not. It may be linked to our country's surge in diabetes risk and systemic yeast.
Stevia is the only sweetner that's been legal on my anti-yeast diet. It's an extract of a tropical Stevia rebaudiana plant. So, it's a natural product, but the First article says "it is also great because it is a zero-calorie sweetner that keeps weight in check by regulating blood sugar so food is burned for energy rather than getting stored by the body as fat". The thing I have found with stevia is trying different brands. I have found I love the Trader Joe's brand (of course, one that I can't buy nearby). Also, you have to watch how much you use. I use very little stevia to sweeten something. But, I have found that usually I prefer nothing at all. Once you are off sugar, you don't really need it. You get use to things tasting au natural.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I love my Far Infrared Saunas~!
I started doing far infrared saunas a year ago now.
Here's where I was a year ago in January 2008: It's really challenging to lose inches for me so I'm pretty darn excited to be down at least 4lbs in a matter of weeks. I was really sick over Christmas with a nasty cold. My energy was so zapped that I could hardly exercise. I started doing infrared saunas the first week of January. For the first two weeks, those WERE my workouts, and I would come home and nap. Within 4 visits of the sauna, my congestion was GONE~! And, I slowly regained my strength. I started working out with a treadmill, doing a short 15-20 min. T-Tapp workout once or twice a week. By mid-January, I started doing an hour yoga class 2 times a week, and a short T-Tapp workout once or twice a week. I was still doing saunas 3-4 times a week. Some days I was ok, and other days, they'd wear me out. By the first week of February, I was getting stronger in yoga and more flexible in my T-Tapp workouts. I could do the full total T-Tapp workout again (about an hour cardio and strength combined). By the second week of February, I could do a more advanced T-Tapp workout that was an hour-plus long, like ladybug combo, or bw+ and hit the floor, along with the 2 classes of yoga. The 3-4 saunas no longer wear me out, and I feel wonderful~! The infrared saunas seem be have kicked my progress up a notch. I'm doing 2 full T-Tapp workouts, 2 yoga workouts and 3-4 saunas, which is a lot less muscle moving than I was doing this fall with a typical 4 days of 90 minutes of T-Tapp.
This January 2009: My health took a hit with about a month off and all the stress that comes with traveling over the holidays as well as mourning my father-in-law's passing. I climbed back on my exercise regime the first week of January however, and loved to be able to visit my far infrared saunas once again. I've been going about 4 times a week this month. My workouts have been abreviated as I work up to full workouts again by week 2. But, I haven't gotten sick at all this year, which is a hefty bonus. I have loved what far infrared saunas do for oncoming illness. It kicks it right out~! I've been close to getting sick, and the saunas don't allow the illness take root. The saunas put your body into a state of low fever so your body starts kicking out more white blood cells automatically. The lights they use in the sauna are the same type I'm told as those used in the NICU for babies.
I've been told by my gym's staff that you can burn about 300 calories for a half-hour sauna. That's pretty easy work for sitting and relaxing with a magazine for 30 minutes. I really loved them last winter when it was so cold out, but I found them equally refreshing this summer. I found I went just as often, allowing me some quiet time during the day without the boys who are quite noisy at home.
The saunas are also supposed to be very detoxing. It's something that is hard to measure because you don't see anything other than the sweat pouring out of your pores. I have chatted with other people at the gym who say them help them tremendously with managing their arthritis or fibromilagia, so it must be detoxing something. Both of these conditions are caused by toxins in the joints or otherwise, so the saunas must be helping.
The saunas have an added bonus of making my skin really soft and smooth~! I really battle the "chicken skin", or keratosis pilaris on my upper arms. I noticed that my skin was very smooth after going to Safety Harbor Spa, where I was in the steam room as much as possible, hehe.. So I'm attributing the saunas to helping with that, as well as cellulite reduction on my legs and bum.
Infrared saunas are much different than the standard sauna. The heat goes into your body quite deep, so you get pain relief from muscle soreness, as well as an immune boost. I find them very relaxing as well. I found a website with far more information on the saunas if your so interested:
I think they ROCK~!
Here's where I was a year ago in January 2008: It's really challenging to lose inches for me so I'm pretty darn excited to be down at least 4lbs in a matter of weeks. I was really sick over Christmas with a nasty cold. My energy was so zapped that I could hardly exercise. I started doing infrared saunas the first week of January. For the first two weeks, those WERE my workouts, and I would come home and nap. Within 4 visits of the sauna, my congestion was GONE~! And, I slowly regained my strength. I started working out with a treadmill, doing a short 15-20 min. T-Tapp workout once or twice a week. By mid-January, I started doing an hour yoga class 2 times a week, and a short T-Tapp workout once or twice a week. I was still doing saunas 3-4 times a week. Some days I was ok, and other days, they'd wear me out. By the first week of February, I was getting stronger in yoga and more flexible in my T-Tapp workouts. I could do the full total T-Tapp workout again (about an hour cardio and strength combined). By the second week of February, I could do a more advanced T-Tapp workout that was an hour-plus long, like ladybug combo, or bw+ and hit the floor, along with the 2 classes of yoga. The 3-4 saunas no longer wear me out, and I feel wonderful~! The infrared saunas seem be have kicked my progress up a notch. I'm doing 2 full T-Tapp workouts, 2 yoga workouts and 3-4 saunas, which is a lot less muscle moving than I was doing this fall with a typical 4 days of 90 minutes of T-Tapp.
This January 2009: My health took a hit with about a month off and all the stress that comes with traveling over the holidays as well as mourning my father-in-law's passing. I climbed back on my exercise regime the first week of January however, and loved to be able to visit my far infrared saunas once again. I've been going about 4 times a week this month. My workouts have been abreviated as I work up to full workouts again by week 2. But, I haven't gotten sick at all this year, which is a hefty bonus. I have loved what far infrared saunas do for oncoming illness. It kicks it right out~! I've been close to getting sick, and the saunas don't allow the illness take root. The saunas put your body into a state of low fever so your body starts kicking out more white blood cells automatically. The lights they use in the sauna are the same type I'm told as those used in the NICU for babies.
I've been told by my gym's staff that you can burn about 300 calories for a half-hour sauna. That's pretty easy work for sitting and relaxing with a magazine for 30 minutes. I really loved them last winter when it was so cold out, but I found them equally refreshing this summer. I found I went just as often, allowing me some quiet time during the day without the boys who are quite noisy at home.
The saunas are also supposed to be very detoxing. It's something that is hard to measure because you don't see anything other than the sweat pouring out of your pores. I have chatted with other people at the gym who say them help them tremendously with managing their arthritis or fibromilagia, so it must be detoxing something. Both of these conditions are caused by toxins in the joints or otherwise, so the saunas must be helping.
The saunas have an added bonus of making my skin really soft and smooth~! I really battle the "chicken skin", or keratosis pilaris on my upper arms. I noticed that my skin was very smooth after going to Safety Harbor Spa, where I was in the steam room as much as possible, hehe.. So I'm attributing the saunas to helping with that, as well as cellulite reduction on my legs and bum.
Infrared saunas are much different than the standard sauna. The heat goes into your body quite deep, so you get pain relief from muscle soreness, as well as an immune boost. I find them very relaxing as well. I found a website with far more information on the saunas if your so interested:
I think they ROCK~!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Why use Magnesium Oil
I found a product a year and half ago from my T-Tapp friends that has absolutely made a HUGE difference in my ability to sleep like I did 20 years ago. So much so that I have to tell you about it. I don't get anything from it other than knowing I may have made a difference in someone's else's ability to get some good sleep~! I can sleep through the night and get a good nights rest all the time. It's called magnesium oil. I have gotten the gallon and soaked my feet a few times a week while watching tv for 15-30 minutes. If you put the oil in a 1-gallon rubbermaid take-a-long that has a lid, you can use the same oil for about 30 days. So even though a gallon is $45, it goes a long way. I'm still on my first gallon. I later learned you can also use the oil another way, which I prefer in the winter especially. You put one ounce of magnesium oil in warm water, which the gallon would last 64 times with this method. I like this way also because you can also stretch your oil farther, because you're not wasting when you aren't using the oil every day.
The few times I felt a surreal sense of calmness. Magnesium does calm your nerves. It will make the dead skin on your feel peel, but that only lasts a couple weeks too.
I have taken calcium magnesium tablets and even used a powdered form of magnesium for 4 years but this is so much better~! The magnesium absorbs into your body so much easier. I have also used the magnesium gel when I didn't have time for a foot soak and it works well too. You know you've got too much with the clinical symptom of diarrhea as a target marker, so not kidding, lol. It's pretty easy to know when to back off with less.
Here's where I buy mine at a really good price compared to others on the internet: You can call the owner Joan, and she will answer any questions too.
Most of the population is magnesium decifient because how many of us eat raw pumpkin seeds, spinach and swiss chard in large amounts? And deficiency causes such a wide variety of issues:
Musculo-Skeletal Symptoms: osteoporosis, chronic fatigue and weakness, muscle spasms, tics, tremors, and restlessness.
Cardiovascular Symptoms: atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, sudden death, and vasospasms.
Female Issues: PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and eclampsia.
Psychiatric Symptoms: irritability, depression, and bipolar disorders.
Neurological Symptoms: migraine headaches, excessive noise and pain sensitivity.
Endocrine Symptoms: insulin resistance.
Here's a great article on deficiency:
The few times I felt a surreal sense of calmness. Magnesium does calm your nerves. It will make the dead skin on your feel peel, but that only lasts a couple weeks too.
I have taken calcium magnesium tablets and even used a powdered form of magnesium for 4 years but this is so much better~! The magnesium absorbs into your body so much easier. I have also used the magnesium gel when I didn't have time for a foot soak and it works well too. You know you've got too much with the clinical symptom of diarrhea as a target marker, so not kidding, lol. It's pretty easy to know when to back off with less.
Here's where I buy mine at a really good price compared to others on the internet: You can call the owner Joan, and she will answer any questions too.
Most of the population is magnesium decifient because how many of us eat raw pumpkin seeds, spinach and swiss chard in large amounts? And deficiency causes such a wide variety of issues:
Musculo-Skeletal Symptoms: osteoporosis, chronic fatigue and weakness, muscle spasms, tics, tremors, and restlessness.
Cardiovascular Symptoms: atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmias, sudden death, and vasospasms.
Female Issues: PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) and eclampsia.
Psychiatric Symptoms: irritability, depression, and bipolar disorders.
Neurological Symptoms: migraine headaches, excessive noise and pain sensitivity.
Endocrine Symptoms: insulin resistance.
Here's a great article on deficiency:
Monday, January 12, 2009
mmmm, soup~!
I had a serving of roasted chicken left so I went to my pantry and found a can of soup I had bought: Pacific Natural Foods Organic Spicy Chicken Fajita Soup. It was perfect with the chicken added to it for lunch today. It's rather spicy, which delayed my workout a bit longer, lol. But, all in all, it's a great soup for my anti-yeast diet. There wasn't much chicken in the soup itself, so I think I'd always add the extra meat because I like to make sure I get enough protein each day.
I also had a cup of soup at Whole Foods last week. It was a tomato-based soup that had lots of vegetables including eggplant and cauliflower. It was absolutely delicious~! I wish they posted their soup recipes they make in the deli on their website. I adore their black bean soup as well.
I also had a cup of soup at Whole Foods last week. It was a tomato-based soup that had lots of vegetables including eggplant and cauliflower. It was absolutely delicious~! I wish they posted their soup recipes they make in the deli on their website. I adore their black bean soup as well.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Some of my anti-yeast diet recomendations
I can't have dairy, soy, corn, peanut, any grain, fruit, vinegar, processed oils, sugar or alcohol. Normally you can have eggs, soy and some dairy, but since I'm allergic to both, I can't.Before starting this diet, I used to have eggs cooked with a mix of veggies almost everyday for breakfast, which is why my body probably developed the allergy to them.
So, now I have soup usually once a day. I made a big pot of beef vegetable last week and sometimes eat it for breakfast if I know I'm gonna be out for lunch. My fave soup is stew beef, biggest can of tomato sauce, half can or so of water, whole head of chopped cabbage. I brown the beef and put it in the crock with the sauce, water and cabbage and let it cook. Then I add frozen green beans, peas and carrots. I usually like lima beans too but I'm limited to a cup of beans a day. I put the soup in bags and eat it from the fridge or freeze it. When I heat it up, I add some butter for more flavor. We use grass-fed butter from where we buy our beef online. It does taste a lot better than regular butter too.
The other soup I like is a recipe from my friend Rhonda: slice and brown natural sausage (like Kielbasa). I found one that is HEB brand here. Drain and add into a pot with a carton of organic chicken broth (4 cups I believe). Add 2 cans of cannelli beans and 10-16oz of frozen spinach. You can vary this recipe and use chicken instead and use different types of beans. If you can have cauliflower, you can buy fresh or frozen, and puree it. I put a whole package of pureed cauliflower in my last batch and it adds so much flavor without tasting cauliflower-ish, lol.
I put about 2-3T. sun-dried tomato-based tapenade from here: with a cup of canned black beans that have been cooked with onions and garlic (canned). I found this tapenade at Whole Foods and got it because it doesn't have vinegar. It's really yummy~!!!! I have another jar of traditional that I haven't tried yet. There is also a sun-dried tapenade from Meditalia, that I have put in with the beans too.
Sometimes I have leftover italian roast that I can put in with the beans too. (roast recipe: )
I mash up an avocado and sprinkle lemon juice on it. I put it in 2 large or 3 smaller slices of meat. I have found some lunch meat without sugar.
Raw veggies dipped in hummus. I like black olive or garlic ones the most. Or with nut butter. I got almond butter and raw cashew butter.
If we have burgers, the Meditalia tapenade is a decent substitute for ketchup. You can also use broiled tomatoes with butter, salt and pepper.
Another thing I eat is grilled eggplant or zucchinni (our HEB has them in the frozen veggie section) OR sauteed spinach, as a substitute for pasta. I have found a few sauces without sugar. Italian Roast is good with this too. One of my favorite sauces is the Rao's eggplant one:
Dinners haven't changed a whole lot for us. We've eaten low carb for 6 years now. Lots of steamed veggies already here. If I make a meat entree I can't have, I have made sauteed scallops or shrimp. I also like eating cold shrimp (defrosted cooked) with melted butter. I snack on nuts and always carry them with me in case hunger hits. Raw cashews, walnuts and almonds. And I added coconut chips, big flakes of coconut they sell at Whole Foods.
I was also allowed to eat coconut milk which is good chilled with a bit of stevia. On month 2, I was allow to add unsweetened cocoa. As far as drinks, I can have water or herbal tea. I like the blueberry one or the peach ones the best. After 2 months though, I've gotten used to drinking just water. Or maybe it's not a bigger deal because I can have fruit now? I do like ice cold water now though and never have.
After 30 days, I was allowed to add brown rice and fruit (minus melon and bananas) to my diet, which I make in a big batch and keep it in the fridge. I've become a bit of a rice snob and love one certain blended brand, Lundberg Jubilee.
I then heat up a serving of rice, add a bit of butter and fruit. Strawberries, peaches, raspberries and blackberries are my faves. Sliced apples sprinked with cinnamon is also really yumo.
Canyon Foods also makes excellent soups. I like to add cooked chopped chicken breast, beans and corn to the Tortilla one. And, I just tried the Zuppa Di Nonna one yesterday with some added chicken. It was delicious~!
So, now I have soup usually once a day. I made a big pot of beef vegetable last week and sometimes eat it for breakfast if I know I'm gonna be out for lunch. My fave soup is stew beef, biggest can of tomato sauce, half can or so of water, whole head of chopped cabbage. I brown the beef and put it in the crock with the sauce, water and cabbage and let it cook. Then I add frozen green beans, peas and carrots. I usually like lima beans too but I'm limited to a cup of beans a day. I put the soup in bags and eat it from the fridge or freeze it. When I heat it up, I add some butter for more flavor. We use grass-fed butter from where we buy our beef online. It does taste a lot better than regular butter too.
The other soup I like is a recipe from my friend Rhonda: slice and brown natural sausage (like Kielbasa). I found one that is HEB brand here. Drain and add into a pot with a carton of organic chicken broth (4 cups I believe). Add 2 cans of cannelli beans and 10-16oz of frozen spinach. You can vary this recipe and use chicken instead and use different types of beans. If you can have cauliflower, you can buy fresh or frozen, and puree it. I put a whole package of pureed cauliflower in my last batch and it adds so much flavor without tasting cauliflower-ish, lol.
I put about 2-3T. sun-dried tomato-based tapenade from here: with a cup of canned black beans that have been cooked with onions and garlic (canned). I found this tapenade at Whole Foods and got it because it doesn't have vinegar. It's really yummy~!!!! I have another jar of traditional that I haven't tried yet. There is also a sun-dried tapenade from Meditalia, that I have put in with the beans too.
Sometimes I have leftover italian roast that I can put in with the beans too. (roast recipe: )
I mash up an avocado and sprinkle lemon juice on it. I put it in 2 large or 3 smaller slices of meat. I have found some lunch meat without sugar.
Raw veggies dipped in hummus. I like black olive or garlic ones the most. Or with nut butter. I got almond butter and raw cashew butter.
If we have burgers, the Meditalia tapenade is a decent substitute for ketchup. You can also use broiled tomatoes with butter, salt and pepper.
Another thing I eat is grilled eggplant or zucchinni (our HEB has them in the frozen veggie section) OR sauteed spinach, as a substitute for pasta. I have found a few sauces without sugar. Italian Roast is good with this too. One of my favorite sauces is the Rao's eggplant one:
Dinners haven't changed a whole lot for us. We've eaten low carb for 6 years now. Lots of steamed veggies already here. If I make a meat entree I can't have, I have made sauteed scallops or shrimp. I also like eating cold shrimp (defrosted cooked) with melted butter. I snack on nuts and always carry them with me in case hunger hits. Raw cashews, walnuts and almonds. And I added coconut chips, big flakes of coconut they sell at Whole Foods.
I was also allowed to eat coconut milk which is good chilled with a bit of stevia. On month 2, I was allow to add unsweetened cocoa. As far as drinks, I can have water or herbal tea. I like the blueberry one or the peach ones the best. After 2 months though, I've gotten used to drinking just water. Or maybe it's not a bigger deal because I can have fruit now? I do like ice cold water now though and never have.
After 30 days, I was allowed to add brown rice and fruit (minus melon and bananas) to my diet, which I make in a big batch and keep it in the fridge. I've become a bit of a rice snob and love one certain blended brand, Lundberg Jubilee.
I then heat up a serving of rice, add a bit of butter and fruit. Strawberries, peaches, raspberries and blackberries are my faves. Sliced apples sprinked with cinnamon is also really yumo.
Canyon Foods also makes excellent soups. I like to add cooked chopped chicken breast, beans and corn to the Tortilla one. And, I just tried the Zuppa Di Nonna one yesterday with some added chicken. It was delicious~!
My doctor put me on an ultra restrictive diet for months, in hopes of healing my gut. I have to take digestive enzymes, a probiotic and an anti-fungal (to kill the yeast) in addition to eating very clean. Leaky gut occurs when your food is not broken down in your gut enough for the food molecules to be absorbed into your bloodstream. When they pass through the intestine on the way to the blood, they are rejected of sorts. If I can heal with enzymes and the inflammation, I have a chance of adding some things back into my diet at some point.
My diet was most restricted the first 30 days, and I didn't cheat, knowing I'd be better off in the long run if I didn't. After 30 days, I got a few foods added back, which happened with month 3 and 4 as well. My doc has had me on 3 different antifungals to kill the candida and after the third month, she put me on an intestinal rebuilder too. I also have to take a probiotic once a day and enzymes with each meal. So when I went on the anti-yeast diet, I excluded anything with sugar, fungus (mushrooms for example) and vinegar. I also couldn't eat fruit or starchy vegetables the first 30 days. AND, since my antibody numbers on the soy, wheat, egg and dairy came back so high, I've been off of those for 4 months now. My peanut one wasn't high, but I wasn't given that one back yet. Almond or cashew butter subs for peanut butter, which I like to eat on a brown rice cake or on raw carrots sometimes. I was also given corn back at month two which makes eating Mexican tolerable with corn tortillas. I got oranges back at month 2 also, but I'm just not that into oranges on a daily basis. I LOVE strawberries, which have lots of vit. c as well.
Taking the anti-fungals does kill the yeast, which in turn helps with the sugar cravings. The first week, the yeast "screams for help" and you are hungrier. It's hoping you'll feed it sugar. Then it will level off. I just ate that first week whenever I was hungry, and I still lost 7lbs. Should you decide to follow the anti-yeast diet, you do need a doctor's guidance on this diet so that you can take the prescribed anti-fungals. I've done a no sugar diet before, but didn't do the anti-fungals so it didn't really help. I'm doing all this with my thyroid doctor who is a hormone specialist. She is listed as a family practioner MD at the hospital where she works. I'm also doing a pharmaceutical grade probiotic and enzymes that will help heal my gut. The other thing you need medical assistance with is the blood tests to see what foods the yeast antibodies have created food allergies. Normally, you can have eggs and soy on this diet, but not for me because my body has created antibodies to them until I can heal it. I also have high antibodies to dairy and wheat which will take months to get back. I'm also hypothyroid, so she is monitoring my TSH levels during this process as well. The yeast can siphon off the thyroid hormones from the armour thyroid I take as well.
As for exercise, I've been a consistent exerciser for almost 5 years. My main focus was T-Tapp (, but as my immune system started to spiral this fall, I couldn't keep up with my exercising because I was constantly sick from one virus to the next. So, in January, I had a month's pass to a new gym that had far-infrared saunas, so I started doing the saunas every day. They WERE my workout, but the detoxing I got from them was so good that I promptly lost 5lbs doing nothing else. I was feeling well enough by mid-January, that I started back exercising with yoga. The slower pace was just what I needed. I loved getting out of the house too (since I T-Tapp at home), so I continued with yoga and watched my body get stronger and stronger. I kept doing the FIR saunas too. Once I got on the anti-yeast diet, I saw the brain fog and the depression lift. I had not realized how depressed the yeast had me under. I continued yoga since the cardio level of T-Tapp was still too much as I detoxed the yeast. I would do T-Tapp about once a week to get my neck and spine back in alignment, otherwise I would start to hurt and get "cranky neck". I think the combination of yoga and T-Tapp is really great for me. I'm more focused on yoga right now because I think it's at a pace of what my body needs, especially while I'm on this detox diet. I do a really deep stretching yin yoga at least once a week that has opened up my hips, shoulders and spine so much, that I could see a huge leap in flexibility when I went back to my T-Tapp moves I've been doing for 4 years. It's not all about the weight loss for me, although that does make it easier to continue to be able to adhere to the diet guidelines. Although I've lost 24 pounds, the more important focus for me is the wellness aspect to it. The inch loss is the icing on the cake~! I haven't eaten a whole lot of icing though, LOL. You just have to climb out of your eating routine box and make a new one. It gets easier with time, just as working out on a daily basis does. It becomes your new way of life, one bite at a time......
(written July 2008)
My diet was most restricted the first 30 days, and I didn't cheat, knowing I'd be better off in the long run if I didn't. After 30 days, I got a few foods added back, which happened with month 3 and 4 as well. My doc has had me on 3 different antifungals to kill the candida and after the third month, she put me on an intestinal rebuilder too. I also have to take a probiotic once a day and enzymes with each meal. So when I went on the anti-yeast diet, I excluded anything with sugar, fungus (mushrooms for example) and vinegar. I also couldn't eat fruit or starchy vegetables the first 30 days. AND, since my antibody numbers on the soy, wheat, egg and dairy came back so high, I've been off of those for 4 months now. My peanut one wasn't high, but I wasn't given that one back yet. Almond or cashew butter subs for peanut butter, which I like to eat on a brown rice cake or on raw carrots sometimes. I was also given corn back at month two which makes eating Mexican tolerable with corn tortillas. I got oranges back at month 2 also, but I'm just not that into oranges on a daily basis. I LOVE strawberries, which have lots of vit. c as well.
Taking the anti-fungals does kill the yeast, which in turn helps with the sugar cravings. The first week, the yeast "screams for help" and you are hungrier. It's hoping you'll feed it sugar. Then it will level off. I just ate that first week whenever I was hungry, and I still lost 7lbs. Should you decide to follow the anti-yeast diet, you do need a doctor's guidance on this diet so that you can take the prescribed anti-fungals. I've done a no sugar diet before, but didn't do the anti-fungals so it didn't really help. I'm doing all this with my thyroid doctor who is a hormone specialist. She is listed as a family practioner MD at the hospital where she works. I'm also doing a pharmaceutical grade probiotic and enzymes that will help heal my gut. The other thing you need medical assistance with is the blood tests to see what foods the yeast antibodies have created food allergies. Normally, you can have eggs and soy on this diet, but not for me because my body has created antibodies to them until I can heal it. I also have high antibodies to dairy and wheat which will take months to get back. I'm also hypothyroid, so she is monitoring my TSH levels during this process as well. The yeast can siphon off the thyroid hormones from the armour thyroid I take as well.
As for exercise, I've been a consistent exerciser for almost 5 years. My main focus was T-Tapp (, but as my immune system started to spiral this fall, I couldn't keep up with my exercising because I was constantly sick from one virus to the next. So, in January, I had a month's pass to a new gym that had far-infrared saunas, so I started doing the saunas every day. They WERE my workout, but the detoxing I got from them was so good that I promptly lost 5lbs doing nothing else. I was feeling well enough by mid-January, that I started back exercising with yoga. The slower pace was just what I needed. I loved getting out of the house too (since I T-Tapp at home), so I continued with yoga and watched my body get stronger and stronger. I kept doing the FIR saunas too. Once I got on the anti-yeast diet, I saw the brain fog and the depression lift. I had not realized how depressed the yeast had me under. I continued yoga since the cardio level of T-Tapp was still too much as I detoxed the yeast. I would do T-Tapp about once a week to get my neck and spine back in alignment, otherwise I would start to hurt and get "cranky neck". I think the combination of yoga and T-Tapp is really great for me. I'm more focused on yoga right now because I think it's at a pace of what my body needs, especially while I'm on this detox diet. I do a really deep stretching yin yoga at least once a week that has opened up my hips, shoulders and spine so much, that I could see a huge leap in flexibility when I went back to my T-Tapp moves I've been doing for 4 years. It's not all about the weight loss for me, although that does make it easier to continue to be able to adhere to the diet guidelines. Although I've lost 24 pounds, the more important focus for me is the wellness aspect to it. The inch loss is the icing on the cake~! I haven't eaten a whole lot of icing though, LOL. You just have to climb out of your eating routine box and make a new one. It gets easier with time, just as working out on a daily basis does. It becomes your new way of life, one bite at a time......
(written July 2008)
And, then comes along a leaky gut.....
I did ok for about a year on the Armour. My health wasn't optimal as I could never lose that last size even with all the exercise and healthy eating I did. I also had a rash on my upper arms that would not go away, but I had no idea it was related to a yeast overgrowth going on in my gut. But, I started to get sick about every few weeks and became too weak to exercise in November '07.
How did I get diagnosed with leaky gut?
I went to my primary doctor for lower bowel pain. The tests came back as a ovarian cyst. When I was in for this diagnosis, I also told her about my concern with wheat. I noticed when I ate wheat in particular that I had lots of gas and bloating which got me to ask for a gluten intolerance test. She didn't think these symptoms were from gluten but she agreed to the test. Her solution to the cyst was to put me on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is estrogren basically. I disagreed, and told her I prefered to try progesterone. She really wasn't familiar with progesterone, which surpised me. But, she was willing to talk to my thyroid doctor upstairs who had mentioned the progesterone at my last appointment for a reason I cannot remember. My primary doctor came back from my thyroid doctor with a prescription for compounded progesterone and blood test orders for the gluten and food allergies. The blood tests revealed several food allergies as well, which found the yeast antibodies. The levels were so high that they were indeed creating a leaky gut.
What is leaky gut?
Leaky gut is a condition caused by yeast overgrowth or candida, which is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut. The yeast overgrowth causes constant inflammation, which in turn creates micro holes in the intestional walls. Food particles leak out of these holes into your body instead of getting small enough to flow into your blood stream. The by-products cause all kinds of symptoms within your body.
Some symptoms of yeast syndrome include: chronic fatigue or malaise, sweet cravings, thrush, bloating, gas, intestional cramps, rectal itching, alternating diarrhea and constipation, vaginal yeast infections, frequent, bladder infections, menstral irregularities, decreased libido, depression, irritability, trouble concentrating, allergies, chemical sensitivities, lowered resistance to infection.
I was immediately put on an anti-yeast diet and also not allowed to eat anything that had many allergy anti-bodies from the food panel blood test. I was not allowed to eat: eggs, soy, dairy, oranges, corn, peanut or wheat. In addition, I was also forbidden to eat any grains, starchy vegetables, fruit, vinegar, sugar or caffeine. So I was basically on a very low carb diet, eating just non-starchy vegetables, meat and herbal tea. I was allowed to add foods back in at certain points, but here it is 10 months later and I'm still on the diet.
I was also put on a strong anti-fungal to kill the yeast, as well as a daily probiotic and enzymes with each meal.
Here's the probiotic I'm on: HLC Probiotics
and here are the enzymes: (VITAL-ZYMES™ COMPLETE )
I've been on three different anti-fungals: first 30 days, fluconazole 100mg once a day, then Ketoconazole, 200mg 3 times day for the next 4 months, and I'm now on the mildest one, compounded Nystatin, 1 MU, 3 times a day. I'll be on the last one for months. My prescription is for 6 months.
Taking the anti-fungals does kill the yeast, which in turn helps with the sugar cravings. The first week, the yeast "screams for help" and you are hungrier. It's hoping you'll feed it sugar. Then it will level off. I just ate that first week whenever I was hungry, and I still lost 7lbs. Within 5 months I had lost 23lbs total. I finally hit my goal size even though I was not working out nearly as much. It just goes to show you that inflammation in the body is what was keeping my body at an unhealthy size.
How did I get diagnosed with leaky gut?
I went to my primary doctor for lower bowel pain. The tests came back as a ovarian cyst. When I was in for this diagnosis, I also told her about my concern with wheat. I noticed when I ate wheat in particular that I had lots of gas and bloating which got me to ask for a gluten intolerance test. She didn't think these symptoms were from gluten but she agreed to the test. Her solution to the cyst was to put me on hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is estrogren basically. I disagreed, and told her I prefered to try progesterone. She really wasn't familiar with progesterone, which surpised me. But, she was willing to talk to my thyroid doctor upstairs who had mentioned the progesterone at my last appointment for a reason I cannot remember. My primary doctor came back from my thyroid doctor with a prescription for compounded progesterone and blood test orders for the gluten and food allergies. The blood tests revealed several food allergies as well, which found the yeast antibodies. The levels were so high that they were indeed creating a leaky gut.
What is leaky gut?
Leaky gut is a condition caused by yeast overgrowth or candida, which is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in your gut. The yeast overgrowth causes constant inflammation, which in turn creates micro holes in the intestional walls. Food particles leak out of these holes into your body instead of getting small enough to flow into your blood stream. The by-products cause all kinds of symptoms within your body.
Some symptoms of yeast syndrome include: chronic fatigue or malaise, sweet cravings, thrush, bloating, gas, intestional cramps, rectal itching, alternating diarrhea and constipation, vaginal yeast infections, frequent, bladder infections, menstral irregularities, decreased libido, depression, irritability, trouble concentrating, allergies, chemical sensitivities, lowered resistance to infection.
I was immediately put on an anti-yeast diet and also not allowed to eat anything that had many allergy anti-bodies from the food panel blood test. I was not allowed to eat: eggs, soy, dairy, oranges, corn, peanut or wheat. In addition, I was also forbidden to eat any grains, starchy vegetables, fruit, vinegar, sugar or caffeine. So I was basically on a very low carb diet, eating just non-starchy vegetables, meat and herbal tea. I was allowed to add foods back in at certain points, but here it is 10 months later and I'm still on the diet.
I was also put on a strong anti-fungal to kill the yeast, as well as a daily probiotic and enzymes with each meal.
Here's the probiotic I'm on: HLC Probiotics
and here are the enzymes: (VITAL-ZYMES™ COMPLETE )
I've been on three different anti-fungals: first 30 days, fluconazole 100mg once a day, then Ketoconazole, 200mg 3 times day for the next 4 months, and I'm now on the mildest one, compounded Nystatin, 1 MU, 3 times a day. I'll be on the last one for months. My prescription is for 6 months.
Taking the anti-fungals does kill the yeast, which in turn helps with the sugar cravings. The first week, the yeast "screams for help" and you are hungrier. It's hoping you'll feed it sugar. Then it will level off. I just ate that first week whenever I was hungry, and I still lost 7lbs. Within 5 months I had lost 23lbs total. I finally hit my goal size even though I was not working out nearly as much. It just goes to show you that inflammation in the body is what was keeping my body at an unhealthy size.
Tired of being tired? My journey of hypothyroidism... the beginning
In the spring of 2006, I was diagnosed like millions of other Americans with low-thyroid disease. I had suspected a sluggish thyroid for years from dealing with some classic thyroid disease symptoms in articles I would read such as an inability to lose weight and an unmotivated spirit with fatigue. My doctor, however, never made mention of a thyroid issue at any of my annual physical exams until May 2006. In the next year, I learned a lot about thyroid disease as I took charge of my health.
What is thyroid disease?
We really don’t hear much about thyroid disease even though it could be a bigger health issue than diabetes! Thyroid disease usually develops slowly, and its symptoms tend to appear over time. Thyroid disease is a chronic, long-term disorder, but if managed well, it does not cause fatal symptoms. It’s also typically something that doesn’t affect children here in the United States, but rather it affects older adults. Some things that could trigger the disease are: genetic disposition, food choice, exposure of radiation (including dental x-ray), over consumption of soy and raw foods, especially broccoli and other curcerfious vegetables. My mother and all three of her siblings suffer from hypothyroid although I had a much earlier onset at age 42. My husband’s corporate career caused us to move quite often, and lifestyle stress is another factor in diminishing thyroid function.
The thyroid is a small gland, shaped like a butterfly, located in the lower part of your neck. The function of a gland is to secrete hormones. The main hormones released by the thyroid are triiodothyronine, abbreviated as T3, and thyroxine, abbreviated as T4. These thyroid hormones deliver energy to cells of the body and help get oxygen into the cells. They also work as messengers that tell the body what to do. When your body’s thyroid no longer produces enough T3 and T4 hormones, you have a thyroid disease called hypothyroid. Your thyroid makes 80% T4 and 20% T3, and yet, it is the T3 that is more powerful in regulating your metabolism. This is why many hypothyroid patients experience weight gain.
Other classic symptoms of low-thyroid include fatigue, constipation, fuzzy thinking, low blood pressure, fluid retention, depression, body pain, slow reflexes, but there is a list of many more. Plus, thyroid disease affects people quite differently. I once discussed my symptoms with two friends the same age as myself, and we all suffered from different symptoms.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include:
· Slowed metabolism and slowed heart rate
· Cold and heat intolerance - cold hands and feet
· Fatigue
· Fluid retention - face, legs, eyelids and abdomen
· Dry skin, eyes and/or hair
· Yellowed skin
· Loss of eyebrows
· Constipation
· Headaches, migraines
· Depression, apathy and anxiety
· Irritability - low self esteem
· Low sexual desire
· Infertility
· Memory and concentration impairment
· Enlarged tongue, deep voice and swollen neck
· PMS, Irregular menstrual periods
· Lack of exercise tolerance
· Weight gain (especially in the stomach)
· Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
How are thyroid disorders diagnosed?
Primarily, thyroid disease is diagnosed with a blood test called TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), which is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The TSH regulates the thyroid to release the T4 and T3 hormones. The TSH standards for a normal thyroid TSH had been .5 to 5.0: hyperthyroidism being below .5, and hypothyroidism above 5.0. In 2003, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists revamped the normal range of TSH to .3 to 3.0. With the new guidelines, many as 27 million people may have abnormal thyroid function. This would more than double the number of people thought to have abnormal thyroid function under the old guidelines, making thyroid disease more common in North America than diabetes. For some people, their TSH test comes out in “normal” range, yet they have symptoms. Doctors can then take more in-depth tests on the T4 and T3 hormones to get a better understanding of what their thyroids are producing.
A way to check for thyroid function at home test beyond the symptom picture is a basal metabolic test. If you test your basal metabolic temperature at rest, you can get an idea of an under active thyroid with a temperature lower than 97.8. When you first wake up, place a thermometer under your arm for 10 minutes and wait in bed to take your temperature. If you don’t have that kind of time, pee into a Styrofoam cup, and take temp of your urine. Urine is actually a mostly sterile byproduct of the body. The test is not the gold standard of a blood test, but it could help you decide if you want to pursue your symptoms with a medical professional.
My TSH was 4.09 when I was diagnosed in 2006 with hypothyroid. Looking through my medical records I found that my TSH was 4.02 in 2002, so I believe I had been dealing with hypothyroid for at least 4 years without a being diagnosed by the old standards. The reason I was diagnosed in 2006 with virtually the same TSH as 2002 is that the normal TSH range had been lowered from 5.0 to 3.0 for the highest normal range. Plus, some doctors like mine were slow to adopt the new TSH standards for a few years. I had many of the symptoms for years, but never put the whole puzzle together. I chalked up a lot of my symptoms due to the fact that we had moved three years in a row with major stress-inducing life changes. I really believe my hypothyroidism started with the birth of my third child in 1999. I was not myself after my last son was born. I was overwhelmed with 3 kids aged 6 and under, but I again after quizzing everyone I knew with a family of five or more, I decided it was the parenting vortex of 3 children everyone deals with. Plus, thyroid symptoms tend to develop over years, so it wasn’t as evident in 1999 like it was in 2006 that something was indeed off. It’s important to be treated for thyroid disease because if left untreated, it can lead to elevated cholesterol levels and heart disease, infertility, muscle weakness, osteoporosis and, in extreme cases, coma or death. For me, my biggest issue was inability to keep the inches off, even with consistent exercise and a good diet, and the debilitating lack of motivation, which I will describe as a sort of depression. My thinking was pretty fuzzy too, which would affect anyone functioning day to day.
Getting on thyroid medication
So my doctor did what most family physicians would do for a newly diagnosed thyroid patient. He prescribed the smallest dose of Synthyroid, which was 30mg. Having researched hypothyroid before my appointment, I was aware that there was a “natural” medicine out there called Armour thyroid. The Armour meat company has provided desiccated thyroid extract from the thyroid glands of animals (typically from pigs) since the late 19th century. Beginning in the 1970s, the use of desiccated thyroid for the treatment of hypothyroidism was gradually replaced by a synthetic form of T4 known as levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid, Levoxyl, Unithroid, Levothyroxine, etc). My doctor told me the synthetic was better because it could be accurately measured dose to dose and refused to let me try Armour. Researching this fact, I found it to be misinformation because there are no FDA reports on problems with Armour thyroid. In 1997, however, the FDA reported such about levothyroxine sodium being inconsistent dose to dose, and has also written that Synthyroid has a long history of quality control problems. My mother also tried to discuss Armour with her doctor, and her doctor argued with her, asking if she’d want to take something from a dead animal. When my mom told me this, I replied, “Mom, you eat bacon, don’t you?” I suspect that most doctors really don’t educate themselves about this complicated hormonal disorder and take whatever they are told by those working in the healthcare industry as truth. The healthcare industry seems to push the newer synthetics as better too.
What worked for me
I took the Synthroid prescription and vowed to find another doctor to treat me with Armour thyroid, just because I personally believed more in bio-identical hormones over synthetics. I didn’t have to look far because I found two friends with hypothyroid, and both friends were taking Armour. Another great online source for thyroid specialists is:
I had to wait three months to get into see this new doctor though, so I took my Synthroid prescription for those three months hoping it would help. The Synthroid did absolutely nothing to alleviate my symptoms. I didn’t lose any weight; still wasn’t coping with daily life very well, and my energy levels were still low. My new doctor tested my blood after being on Synthroid for 3 months, and she found a TSH of .5. She said that the Synthroid was actually suppressing my thyroid and that my T3 levels needed a boost. Most doctors hold the belief that patients do not need T3, because they assume their patients’ thyroids will convert T4 into the T3 the body needs. This does not allow for the possibility that some people, like myself, may lack the ability to efficiently convert T4 into T3. Synthroid, and the other levothyroxine sodium medicines only have the T4 hormone in the pill. So it’s fairly certain that my body wasn’t converting the T4 from the pill into the T3 because I saw no symptom relief and yet my TSH level was really low.
I started the Armour the following day, and it was like flipping a switch on my energy level. I felt like I got more done off my checklist in that first week than I had the entire previous three months! The Armour has the T3 and the T4 hormones in it, plus is the T3 that regulates the metabolism more powerfully of the two hormones. I also had motivation and energy again to do my T-Tapp exercise program more consistently without such fatigue. I attended a T-Tapp fitness event one month after starting the Armour and promptly lost 11 inches in three days. I completed just 11 workouts the rest of the month and lost another 12 inches for 23 inches total in 30 days. A month later, I realized the foggy thinking had lifted back to “normal”. I could once again concentrate.
Over the course of my first year on Amour, I lost about 33 inches total, which I find amazing. I’m still a size away from my goal size 8 according to my skeletal set point, but I just had my dosage upped to 90mg last month. My TSH was 1.53 which my doctor said was working, but it was not optimal. She believes also that most doctors under prescribe thyroid medication. Hormonal balance is so complicated, and some people need continual adjustment to the amount of thyroid medication they take. Some doctors try different dosages for 3 months and then test your hormone levels by blood tests. Other doctors, like mine are more interested in the symptoms being alleviated.
I still find I gain inches quite easily if I’m not working out with 60-90 minute T-Tapp exercise sessions 3-4 times a week ( Yet, I will have to see what this new dosage does within the next few months. The good news is that it is possible to manage your health with thyroid disease if you take charge of your health. Yes, you can!
~Kate (written in 2007)
What is thyroid disease?
We really don’t hear much about thyroid disease even though it could be a bigger health issue than diabetes! Thyroid disease usually develops slowly, and its symptoms tend to appear over time. Thyroid disease is a chronic, long-term disorder, but if managed well, it does not cause fatal symptoms. It’s also typically something that doesn’t affect children here in the United States, but rather it affects older adults. Some things that could trigger the disease are: genetic disposition, food choice, exposure of radiation (including dental x-ray), over consumption of soy and raw foods, especially broccoli and other curcerfious vegetables. My mother and all three of her siblings suffer from hypothyroid although I had a much earlier onset at age 42. My husband’s corporate career caused us to move quite often, and lifestyle stress is another factor in diminishing thyroid function.
The thyroid is a small gland, shaped like a butterfly, located in the lower part of your neck. The function of a gland is to secrete hormones. The main hormones released by the thyroid are triiodothyronine, abbreviated as T3, and thyroxine, abbreviated as T4. These thyroid hormones deliver energy to cells of the body and help get oxygen into the cells. They also work as messengers that tell the body what to do. When your body’s thyroid no longer produces enough T3 and T4 hormones, you have a thyroid disease called hypothyroid. Your thyroid makes 80% T4 and 20% T3, and yet, it is the T3 that is more powerful in regulating your metabolism. This is why many hypothyroid patients experience weight gain.
Other classic symptoms of low-thyroid include fatigue, constipation, fuzzy thinking, low blood pressure, fluid retention, depression, body pain, slow reflexes, but there is a list of many more. Plus, thyroid disease affects people quite differently. I once discussed my symptoms with two friends the same age as myself, and we all suffered from different symptoms.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include:
· Slowed metabolism and slowed heart rate
· Cold and heat intolerance - cold hands and feet
· Fatigue
· Fluid retention - face, legs, eyelids and abdomen
· Dry skin, eyes and/or hair
· Yellowed skin
· Loss of eyebrows
· Constipation
· Headaches, migraines
· Depression, apathy and anxiety
· Irritability - low self esteem
· Low sexual desire
· Infertility
· Memory and concentration impairment
· Enlarged tongue, deep voice and swollen neck
· PMS, Irregular menstrual periods
· Lack of exercise tolerance
· Weight gain (especially in the stomach)
· Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
How are thyroid disorders diagnosed?
Primarily, thyroid disease is diagnosed with a blood test called TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), which is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. The TSH regulates the thyroid to release the T4 and T3 hormones. The TSH standards for a normal thyroid TSH had been .5 to 5.0: hyperthyroidism being below .5, and hypothyroidism above 5.0. In 2003, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists revamped the normal range of TSH to .3 to 3.0. With the new guidelines, many as 27 million people may have abnormal thyroid function. This would more than double the number of people thought to have abnormal thyroid function under the old guidelines, making thyroid disease more common in North America than diabetes. For some people, their TSH test comes out in “normal” range, yet they have symptoms. Doctors can then take more in-depth tests on the T4 and T3 hormones to get a better understanding of what their thyroids are producing.
A way to check for thyroid function at home test beyond the symptom picture is a basal metabolic test. If you test your basal metabolic temperature at rest, you can get an idea of an under active thyroid with a temperature lower than 97.8. When you first wake up, place a thermometer under your arm for 10 minutes and wait in bed to take your temperature. If you don’t have that kind of time, pee into a Styrofoam cup, and take temp of your urine. Urine is actually a mostly sterile byproduct of the body. The test is not the gold standard of a blood test, but it could help you decide if you want to pursue your symptoms with a medical professional.
My TSH was 4.09 when I was diagnosed in 2006 with hypothyroid. Looking through my medical records I found that my TSH was 4.02 in 2002, so I believe I had been dealing with hypothyroid for at least 4 years without a being diagnosed by the old standards. The reason I was diagnosed in 2006 with virtually the same TSH as 2002 is that the normal TSH range had been lowered from 5.0 to 3.0 for the highest normal range. Plus, some doctors like mine were slow to adopt the new TSH standards for a few years. I had many of the symptoms for years, but never put the whole puzzle together. I chalked up a lot of my symptoms due to the fact that we had moved three years in a row with major stress-inducing life changes. I really believe my hypothyroidism started with the birth of my third child in 1999. I was not myself after my last son was born. I was overwhelmed with 3 kids aged 6 and under, but I again after quizzing everyone I knew with a family of five or more, I decided it was the parenting vortex of 3 children everyone deals with. Plus, thyroid symptoms tend to develop over years, so it wasn’t as evident in 1999 like it was in 2006 that something was indeed off. It’s important to be treated for thyroid disease because if left untreated, it can lead to elevated cholesterol levels and heart disease, infertility, muscle weakness, osteoporosis and, in extreme cases, coma or death. For me, my biggest issue was inability to keep the inches off, even with consistent exercise and a good diet, and the debilitating lack of motivation, which I will describe as a sort of depression. My thinking was pretty fuzzy too, which would affect anyone functioning day to day.
Getting on thyroid medication
So my doctor did what most family physicians would do for a newly diagnosed thyroid patient. He prescribed the smallest dose of Synthyroid, which was 30mg. Having researched hypothyroid before my appointment, I was aware that there was a “natural” medicine out there called Armour thyroid. The Armour meat company has provided desiccated thyroid extract from the thyroid glands of animals (typically from pigs) since the late 19th century. Beginning in the 1970s, the use of desiccated thyroid for the treatment of hypothyroidism was gradually replaced by a synthetic form of T4 known as levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid, Levoxyl, Unithroid, Levothyroxine, etc). My doctor told me the synthetic was better because it could be accurately measured dose to dose and refused to let me try Armour. Researching this fact, I found it to be misinformation because there are no FDA reports on problems with Armour thyroid. In 1997, however, the FDA reported such about levothyroxine sodium being inconsistent dose to dose, and has also written that Synthyroid has a long history of quality control problems. My mother also tried to discuss Armour with her doctor, and her doctor argued with her, asking if she’d want to take something from a dead animal. When my mom told me this, I replied, “Mom, you eat bacon, don’t you?” I suspect that most doctors really don’t educate themselves about this complicated hormonal disorder and take whatever they are told by those working in the healthcare industry as truth. The healthcare industry seems to push the newer synthetics as better too.
What worked for me
I took the Synthroid prescription and vowed to find another doctor to treat me with Armour thyroid, just because I personally believed more in bio-identical hormones over synthetics. I didn’t have to look far because I found two friends with hypothyroid, and both friends were taking Armour. Another great online source for thyroid specialists is:
I had to wait three months to get into see this new doctor though, so I took my Synthroid prescription for those three months hoping it would help. The Synthroid did absolutely nothing to alleviate my symptoms. I didn’t lose any weight; still wasn’t coping with daily life very well, and my energy levels were still low. My new doctor tested my blood after being on Synthroid for 3 months, and she found a TSH of .5. She said that the Synthroid was actually suppressing my thyroid and that my T3 levels needed a boost. Most doctors hold the belief that patients do not need T3, because they assume their patients’ thyroids will convert T4 into the T3 the body needs. This does not allow for the possibility that some people, like myself, may lack the ability to efficiently convert T4 into T3. Synthroid, and the other levothyroxine sodium medicines only have the T4 hormone in the pill. So it’s fairly certain that my body wasn’t converting the T4 from the pill into the T3 because I saw no symptom relief and yet my TSH level was really low.
I started the Armour the following day, and it was like flipping a switch on my energy level. I felt like I got more done off my checklist in that first week than I had the entire previous three months! The Armour has the T3 and the T4 hormones in it, plus is the T3 that regulates the metabolism more powerfully of the two hormones. I also had motivation and energy again to do my T-Tapp exercise program more consistently without such fatigue. I attended a T-Tapp fitness event one month after starting the Armour and promptly lost 11 inches in three days. I completed just 11 workouts the rest of the month and lost another 12 inches for 23 inches total in 30 days. A month later, I realized the foggy thinking had lifted back to “normal”. I could once again concentrate.
Over the course of my first year on Amour, I lost about 33 inches total, which I find amazing. I’m still a size away from my goal size 8 according to my skeletal set point, but I just had my dosage upped to 90mg last month. My TSH was 1.53 which my doctor said was working, but it was not optimal. She believes also that most doctors under prescribe thyroid medication. Hormonal balance is so complicated, and some people need continual adjustment to the amount of thyroid medication they take. Some doctors try different dosages for 3 months and then test your hormone levels by blood tests. Other doctors, like mine are more interested in the symptoms being alleviated.
I still find I gain inches quite easily if I’m not working out with 60-90 minute T-Tapp exercise sessions 3-4 times a week ( Yet, I will have to see what this new dosage does within the next few months. The good news is that it is possible to manage your health with thyroid disease if you take charge of your health. Yes, you can!
~Kate (written in 2007)
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